maanantai 27. joulukuuta 2010

Finnish guy's American Christmas part 1/1

2 months preparations and waiting, and it lasted 1 day. What is it? Answer is Christmas! ((:

Christmas eve and its morning started by waking up and heading to relatives! We gave them their gifts and ate little junk stuff (cookies, cake, etc OFC; it was Christmas time guys! But that sentence doesn't work anymore when I say it every time I put chocklad and candy to my mouth right now...). Then we went home. After several frustated moments with Skype, 'cause it wasn't working, I got connection to my parents in Finland. Because of internet was working as well as McDonald's without burgers, I just said quickly "Hyvää Joulua!" to my parents, but that was enough for me. It made my day, even though I was little sad before that thinking all the tradition things in Finland with my family there.

I have to say that even though everybody says that Christmas it's the hardest time of people's exchange years, it wasn't too hard. But I can say it made me sad for few hours when the skype wasn't working and I thought that I wasn't able to wish Merry Christmas to them. It was hard to think that they are all so far away. But then I realize that I have manymanymany coming Christmas eves in future with my family, and here in Iowa I have also family which I love! (: So all was good !

After doing skype like 7 seconds with my Finnish parents, we just chilled, played guitar with my brother as always and waited excited the moment of joy when the presents are opened. Finally that moment came. I have to say that opening presents was done exactly in same way that in Finland (it's also kinda hard to open presents in different way that with hands, but go ahead and try with ur teeth..). Everybody opened one present in their turn, even though my brother and I had more turns in this "game". That game was full of laugh, smiles and happiness. ((: I already told what I got to my family in my last blog and they were really happy or really good actors! :--D My parents gave DVD to my host dad, Iittala's Aalto-candle cup and CD + Finnish Chocklad to my bro. Kyle LOVES Finnish Fazer chocklad. He says that is the best one in this world and he's right. Even though I don't agree he's sentences of salmiakki: "That is NOT candy! Oh fuck, that's disgusting and bad. Candy is sweet and that is salty like hell." and "I'm gonna eat my own shit before that stuff". So he loves that. At least I can eat all the salmiakki candies.

I got TOO MANY PRESENTS! I didn't expect so many... Anyways, heres the list of them:

- Warm sweatshirt
- Converse shoes designed by writer of this blog
- Candy x 809808
- Chocklad x 67869 + FINNISH chocklad from my parents
- Gift cards
- Photoalbum and photos of my year here so far
- Next year's calender with photos of this family
- Hats
- T-shirts
- Junk snacks (welcome my Christmas pounds)
- Watch
- Shorts
- Ukulei
- Harmonica (huuliharppu?)
- Socks

And from my Finnish parents cheap ones: Hawaii-trip and studio recorder. Those will also be my birthday presents also, which is after one month btw! ( :

After presents. We ate Christmas dinner. Here's the photos. It was really good as always. If u don't know where the best cook in this world lives, check my address. ;-) And I mean my mom, not me!

So, after my first American Christmas I can say that it wasn't so much different that I thought they would be.

Same stuff:

+ Opening the presents
+ Christmas tree
+ Listening Christmas carols
+ Santa Claus
+ Presents under the tree

Different stuff:

- Everything starts way much earlier (Christmas tree, carols in stores and radio; like a little over month before)
- They don't think Santa is from Finland
- Chritmas is Christmas day; in Finland we wish Merry Christmas in Christmas Eve (I failed and send everybody "Merry Christmas" one day too early...)
- Food is much different, ham and turkey are the only ones which are same

I'm really happy after my Christmas in America. I will be in my mind the rest of my life! (( : Right now I'm in Michigan, and will write about this trip in my next blog, when we got home (on Wednesday)

'til then

Santa Claus

lauantai 18. joulukuuta 2010

Santa Claus is coming to Iowa

Less than a week that I'm opening my Christmas presents. Oh man.. Can't wait opening big presents of fresh air. (:

I haven't written for a while, but there hasn't happened anything special really. Nobody wants to read "I woke up, brushed my teeth"-kinda blogs. My life has been basketball and school pretty much since my last blog. Practices are nice and we have one, two or three games per week. I am given a little playing time right now. Just 2 mins or so. But I'm okay with that. Even though it sucks at times to just watch others playing and stuff. But I think by the time I don't suck this much anynmore, I will be given more playing time (2,5 mins) ! :) So it's not a problem. I'll let u know how much Sami "Michael" Haaranoja-Jordan sucks in my next blog. I can run and get the ball to the basket like... sometimes.. :--D It's just kinda different to put that to the basket in a hurry, and a lot easier when u can move ur feet, hands and ass to the best positions u like most. ((: But I'll improve, I bet. At least my ass position will!

So, Christmas is coming. And SOON. Time flies faster than Santa for God's sake. I have bought presents to my host family members. The next one is TOP SECRET stuff. So if ur name is Georgeanne (my mom), Kyle (my lovely gay face brother) or Alan (my host dad) DON'T translate the next Finnish thing. Otherwise there would be no suprise in ur face ! :(

No nii, nyt on aika kertoo ne top-salailuusjutut. Voisin ny vaik haukkuu mun isäntäperheen pystyyn, jos haluisin. Mutten ikipäivänä tekis sitä, koska rakastan mun isäntäperhettä ja se on TÄYDELLINEN. <3 Sanakirjas sanan "täydellinen" kohdalla komeilee mun isäntäperheen kuva btw.
Isäntäperheen äitille ostin korvakorut, kolkutviis doltskuu, jostain naisten paratiisikoruliikkeestä. Joskus tuntuu et naiset on ku variksii tai harakoita ku on kaiken kiiltävän perää... läppä. :D Oltii siä koruliikkees ja sen verra vihjaili hostäiti noiden korviksien suuntaa, et käskin sen häippästä seuraavaa kauppaan ja ostin ne sen suuremmin miettimättä. Ainaski tykkää!
Veljelle ostin kitara-olkahihnan, nelkyt doltskuu. Se oli vihjannu äitelle, et haluis sellasen, ja sami-tonttu hoiti homman kotii!
Host-isälle ostin rumpukapulat, joku kakskyt doltskuu, ku se tykkää paukutella kannuja (rummut). Joten kaikki lahjat perheelle on ostettu. Paitsi... Aion ostaa huomen viä jotain yhteisesti niille kaikille.
Syy tulee seuraavas: Ei jumanklavite... Oltii yhes vaatekaupas ja sanoin et yks huppari (100 dollarii) on siisti. Si äite kysy: "Olisko toi sellanen et haluisit joululahjaks?" Si mumisin et se on aika kallis ja sillee. Si mut käskettii poistuu kaupasta. Kyl hävettää, ihan sikakallis... Ja si suunnittelin converset netis, 60 dollarii, äiti ehotti joululahjaks. Ja seki on vissii tulos. Ei saakutti. Aikasmoinen rahamäärä mut minkäs teet. Mitää muuta en oo pyytäny enkä tuu pyytää. Muutaku maailman rauhaa ja saunaa. :)

So that was the secret stuff. Here is few photos of me and our Christmas tree. Yea, I know for FInnish guys it looks fancy. But this is America guys, and I like it! :))

'til next time

Santa Claus

maanantai 6. joulukuuta 2010

Perkeleen sisuinen blogimerkintä

Mistä on suomalainen tehty? Perkeleen sisusta, joka sulatettiin saunassa. Nyt kaikki on ihan: "Iik! Sehän kirjottaa suomeksi?" Näinpä päätin tehä, hullutella oikein kunnolla. :--) Syy tähän spetsiaaliin suomenkieliseen blogitukseen on rakkaan Isänmaamme itsenäisyyspäivä!

Suomalaanen sydän on mul kyl viel pysyny paikallaa. (En mä sitä irrottaa oo ees yrittäny..) Mut kyllä on tavat aikaslailla amerikkalaistunu. Aina välillä tulee se tuttu perstuntuma: "Näin tää tehtäis Suomes, mut tehää se jenkkityylillä." Ja tää on mulle tosi jees. Suomalaista persereikäilyä pystyy harrastaa tän vuoden jälkee.

Tää aika oikeesti lentää nopeemmin ku Nykäsen Matti 978986 oluen jälkeen. Kohta on jo joulu, si loppuu vähäks aikaa koulu, jenkit tuskin tietää missä hemmetissä on Oulu. En käsitä sitten yhtään, että miks kaikki erittäin tärkeet valmentajien ohjenuorat sanoo: "2 ekaa kuukautta on tuskaa, viimesien kuukausien aikana ei haluis ajan loppuvan." Ensinnäki mun 2 ekaa kuukautta oli loistavat, ilman minkäännäköstä koti-ikävää. Totta kai sitä oltii suomalainen hoomoilanen isossa Ameriikassa. Mutta mä oon sitä Suomeski, enemmä tai vähemmän pihalla tästä maailmanmenosta. Ja ekoista kuukausista lähtien, tunne et "En mä takas haluu, sitä paitti siä on ollu kylmempi pitempää ku tääl.." - on vaan vahvistunu ku kello on tikittäny Esa Tikkasen tavoin. Joten voitte lakata kastelemasta nenäliinojanne kyyneliin mun vuokseni, koska mä voin TODELLA hjyvin. :--)

Koripallo. Diggaan pelata sitä ihan sikana. En oo niin surkee heti aluks ku amerikkalaises ja reenit on paljo motivoivampia. Ei tartte seisoo puolet harjotuksien ajasta ku tatti kakassa, ja kattella muitten pelaamista. Nyt pääsen osallistuu itte koko ajan harjottelemisee. Nyt vaan ootan sitä päivää että saan pallon koriin asti. Lajista puheenollen, tässä pari kuvaa.

Olin hullu oikeen kunnolla ja ostin 16 raitasen äänityslaitteen! Ny on niinku kotistudio tääl. Ihan sairaan hyvälaatusta kamaa saa äänitettyy sil laitteell. :---)) Ja totta kai ku mä laulan ja soitan kitaraa niin laatu on ykkösluokkaa. Ehkä jonain kauniina aurinkoisena päivänä saatte kuulla jonku äänittee. Jos teiän risukasaa sellanen paistaa.

Viimeseks tulee mieleni synkkiin syövereihin ajatus joulusta. Se lähenee, totta tosiaan. Tää jenkki-joulu on, miten sen sanois, erilainen. Joulumusaa on ollu kaupois marraskuun alusta lähtien, eilen tuotii kuusi sisää ja koristeltii se. Että sellast. Mut ei haittaa, on kiva kokee erilaista. :) Mutten voi väittää ettenkö tuu kaipaa kaikkia oman perheen ja suomalaisen joulun perinteitä. Kaikkia ruokia, joulukirkkoo, -saunaa. Mutta niitä ehtii si harrastaleen elämäni muut joulut siellä suon kuokan ja jussin muokkaamassa Suomessa.

Hyvää itsenäisyyspäivää ja muistakaa että mäki oon vielä suomalainen (koska osasin kirjottaa blogin Suomeks)

Seuraavaan jauhamiseen asti.


tiistai 30. marraskuuta 2010

Thanks for giving

What does make American people to eat like horses? What does bring all relatives around? Answer is Sami. Just kidding. Thanksgiving ofc! I understood that the reason why we are doing the eating and hanging out with relatives is: they (we) wanna thank for people who came here many years ago and made this country that u can live there with smile on ur face. Maybe better explanation than the dictionary does. (:

I had only one full day at school last week 'cause of Thanksgiving. On Tuesday we went to Mal to have some lunch. I'm Subway-addict, so I filled my stomach with bread. On Wednesday my French brother came here! He has a name also, Leo. He was in this same family two years ago. The first thing I noticed was his French English accent. And I loved it! It sounded so cool (sorry Americans). He was here from Wednesday to Sunday. We played our guitars together. Or is it better to say: he played and I was staring at him with my mouth open. He is really good. Maybe because he's from French, don't now. We Finnish people are only good in playing our mouths. Leo is really nice man. And the funniest thing is that he's two months younger than me! I have and will always keep he as 21 years old 'cause he looks and acts like one. But me... When I first came some guys asked me: "Are u 15?" WHAT THE...? I just laughed in that moment but I could have said: "Do u wanna see my...?" Passport of course, u guys have dirty minds.... :--((

Friday=Thanksgiving. We slept long and like 2pm we started to eat, continue eating, enjoyed eating, eating. I didn't get any breakfast 'cause I wanted to be starving when the meal starts. I ate a lot. More than usual. I was full as Stockmann when there's "Hullut päivät" or Walmart when there's "Black Friday". All kinda food were served. In that table photo in the end of this blog u will see those. Turkey was number one ofc but I ate everything, not like Kyle who ate like two things... what an asshole. :-D End of that day we just tried to get over that meal and there was 59083098 people's line to toilet. Not really. I lied 1 people too much. :/

Rest of the weekend went by chilling with my brothers, Leo and Kyle. I enjoyed that so much. :--) But I didn't enjoyed waking up like 6AM on Saturday; Basketball Scrimmage game. I played some and it was so cool that I can't any words. Maybe I should look for under my bed... Time flew as always and there we were again, at the airport saying goodbyes to Leo.

Here are some photos of Thanksgiving Day.

Kyle and me with our biggest smiles.

Men ready to have some good food.


Christmas picture. American dad, mom, bro, me and Leo

Family picture.

Right now I'm so tired, as u can see about my humor in this blog (u can hardly call it humor). Now it's best to me to go to bed. And even better to u! Don't have to listen my stupid jokes 'til next blog!

Love much, laugh often, enjoy ur life people.


maanantai 15. marraskuuta 2010

The hidden secrets before and after basketball

Relax, take it eeeeeeasy. That was my job for this sport break. I noticed it was good for me. Just giving time to myself (selfish) and doing stuff that I enjoy, like my guitar and xbox (what a poor life). Before this there hasn't really been that kinda times that I'm able to just sit down and think about every excited and less excited things inside my "huge" brains. So, now I know what's in there but not gonna tell you. As u noticed that was a stupid promise 'cause I'm telling u those things right now, right here. Maybe my brains are not so huge...

Anyways, there were two weekends that I pretty much stayed home. I tried to ask everyone, what are they doing but finally I ended up getting messages like; "I have to do my homeworks.", "I'm in a volleyball tournament.", "I have to hold my dad's uncle's cousin's friend's husband's wife's left hand." So, everybody has some other stuff to do. It (s*it) happens at times. But as I said it was okay! I enjoyed that, time to my family also and enjoying the feeling after school: "I have time to do something!" And don't get this wrong... Even though I put 3 examples of what they had to do, I have more than 3 friends here, as impopssible it sounds. ;--)

This weekend everything changed. The last weekend before basketball started. I start that weekend by "Xbox and my guitar, here I come again!" and ended up my weekend by "Xbox and my guitar, I'm sorry, I couldn't make it..." On Friday I went with some of my friends to watch our Physics teacher's play. He acted some sad and frustated man. It was fun to watch him without saying the words: velocity, speed or average. He was kinda good actor but I preciate that he's no in Hollywood 'cause then there would be nobody to tell me, how fast a car moves. Ofc I know that it depends, is there a woman or a man driving... :--D Girls, please don't hit me (with ur car) ! After that we went to a Mexican restaurant and I ate a HUGE meal: one glass of water and one taco chip. I'm not trying to get fat, I just ate at home earlier. :----)

Saturday. I thought that now it's time to go to a date with my xbox, but no way. My brother came home and got my ass to the party that night. I didn't resist. We had a good time even though most of his friends there were in his age (20-21) but that was alright. I had still some good conversations with people. One guy started to speak with my accent. It sounded TERRIBLE. Hopefully there was something wrong with my ears or something...

Everything has an other side of the coin. So had the party... I had promised to skype with my parents and grandparents on Saturday morning 10 AM. Guess what people.. We came home from the party 3AM. So I was everything else than tired when I woke up. I made a choice, I know. And I did good and no falling asleep during that skype call. I wanna tell u guys more about that skype call, how it got me feel. I spoke 3 hours, with my dad, mom, granny and grandpa. I really felt that I miss those guys, but seeing them in a web cam and talking with them made me smile for itself. There are so many memories u know. And I love each one of them SO much. But it didn't make me wanna go back 'cause my life is now here still 7 months and theirs is there. Here, I also have people that I love. It's different and I like it. I mean there are those times just sitting and doing nothing (really seldom) and then I start to think the stuff that I have done in Finland and what I'll be doing. But that's far away and I know that. I don't wanna go anywhere, I wanna stay here now with the people I love too. ((: That's it.

Today I'm feeling R-E-A-L-L-Y tired, like a zombie. We had a first basketball practice and the time for that was awesome: 6AM in this morning! (( :: But that timing and tireness were only negative things in this day. I totally fell in love with BASKETBALL. I just love it. Even though I have had only one practice now I know I'm gonna love it and there would be no sad break-up between us. I must say I like basketball more than football. Maybe 'cause I can play some already and in a pratice there's not so much time that u have to just stand and watch others playing that I had in football. After this week when I have had 5 practices (lucky the rest of them are after school) and I'm more wise to tell u more about basketball and how's my life with that. Right now it looks awesome. : )

'til then

Michael Jordan

perjantai 5. marraskuuta 2010


"Time, it needs time, to remake your love again, I will be there, I will be there", sings Scorpions in their song. This same sentence can be said also a little different way; "Time, it takes time, to write a new blog again, so much to tell, I'm lazy as hell."

At least I kicked myself to my ass and took a break of being lazy Finnish people. Btw "I'm from Finland" is a great excuse for everything! "Why didn't u do that?", "Why u can't do that?", "Why u said that he is an idiot?". Always a good answer is "I'm from Finland". So if u come here and start thinking, why American people think you are a handless idiot, I'm the reason why. :--) Maybe I should tell u guys my address to "Thank u"-cards... If u are from Sweden u just have to say "Sweden" instead of Finland in that great answer, when someone asks why u like men so much. Now as I started to talk about Sweden I can tell u something more about one Swedish guy who happens to be my brother.

So he's not my real brother. Hopefully u didn't get a heart attack. He was here, in this same lovely family, last year. As an exchange student, no "just-hanging-around-because-I-have-nothing-to-do"-guy. I think now it's a good time to tell about other brothers also (then I don't have any secret brothers anymore). Here have been 4 human beings before me. First one was Patrick from Switzerland, second one Eren from Germany, third one Leo from France and fourth one Daniel from Sweden. Leo will come to visit here after 3 weeks! I really wait that. :--) Daniel came here last week and left this Wednesday.

A little over a week ago, on Friday evening, I was standing inside the same airport where I was last time about 3 months ago when I came. It was kinda weird to be there again 'cause I didn't remeber that the building had walls, doors and that kinda stuff becauseee I was so shocked and excited in my first day here. But now I now what is it like, but u don't care I know... We all hugged Daniel when he walked to us. (Even me even though he's from Sweden u know...) Daniel is really nice dude (that doesn't mean that now I have crush on him) and really easy person to get along with.

First thing what we did was PIZZAAA ! Real, fatty, thick and American pizzas. We didn't make those, just crabbed from the restaurant. If u let me do a pizza, the color of the thing u will get is black. The pizza we ate was really good though but the opinion of a mirror can be different. We ate and talk about everything. :--) Daniel is raelly funny also, like me, so maybe that's some Scandinavian thing. That night was pretty much it. But I must mention one thing. I GOT SWEDISH SOCCER JERSEY FROM DANIEL ! (((: It's cool. Now I can wear it in Finland when I come back and do all kinda stupid stuff and all complain-letters will be send to Sweden.

Saturday is obviously a next day after Friday I suppose. Saturday was pretty much getting ready for... (it starts with "P" and ends with "Y", and it's NOT between women's legs). If somebody didn't guess the word I can tell that it is PARTY ! (--: Ofc somebody maybe guessed that one which I said it's NOT 'cause that one can include to the party. I bet I have been perv enough now. So, the pussy... wait.. PARTY was for Daniel. Kyle, my brother, organized the whole thing, thanks for him! (: Before the party we slept late and after sitting few hours in kitchen doing pretty much nothing we went shopping! Daniel loves shopping and a proof is 5 shirts from first stor e we went.. Lucky he didn't buy them all so I had a chance to buy one also. Then the next step was buying me some costume for our party (I forget to tell: it was in our place and everybody had to have some costume 'cause Halloween u know..) At first I thought to be Jigsaw from Saw-movies. Then I realized that I will scare all the girls off! What a bummer that would be.. :--DD So then I decided to be another scary character: Joker from Dark knight (Batman). Don't ask me what is the logic in this. No girls anyways, but at least when u check the picture below, I am COOL right? ;-) Daniel made my face. His costume is... Swedish viikinki :--)) !

The party went alright ! Buncha people. I knew like 80% of them. I had a great time. So much fun to talk with every people and playing different games. Even though we didn't play any strip poker i changed my clothes and washed my face so that people could see how ugly is the man behind the mask. :---) Kyle was Corey Taylor from Slipknot btw and he had also mask and looked so much as Corey. ((: I was kinda jealous. I think he didn't wear the mask 'cause he was afraid of girls 'cause he already has one!

We all went to sleep 4AM ish so next day, Sunday, was called zombie day. We slept pretty long and then looked out "What the...?" It was that warm that we played basketball without shirts (I'm really sorry I don't have any pictures of us when we were without shirts... but life must go on people!) with Daniel and Nathaniel. Then we went to the store again and Daniel made PYTTIPANNU for luch. It was really good and brought memories of Finnish food even though Pytt i panna is Swedish meal. Here's photo of happy brothers eating it.

7 hours singing same boring hymns and then performing them in Kyle's college with choir. That was pretty much my day. In that choir had students from different schools. It wasn't the best experience in my life but better than being at school for sure! ( : Here's one photo of that just in case.

This photo is my family + Swedish bro eating in a restaurant after the choir thing. :)

'Tuesday was Daniel's last day here. He came school with me. :) To be honest he slept 'til 11 and then came... What a lazy Swedish boyy.. I would have done same to be honest. Not being Swedish, sleeping late I mean. School was normal as usual. But Daniel's hanging around made my day much better. During his stay here we tried to speak Swedish with each other. It didn't work so well. Daniel can obviously speak Swedish but I couldn't so well. I don't get it. Do Swedish people have some hurry to somewhere, 'cause they speak as fast as Antero Mertaranta? We made a little joke at school btw. Daniel spoke Swedish and I Finnish and we said to other people that we can understand each other. A biiig lie but they bought it. :-)

We had to leave to the airport to take Daniel 5AM and guess who was awake 'til 230AM? Yep, all of us. So tired is too weak word to describe my feelings. But ofc I went with the guys to say goodbyes. I promised that I will come visit Daniel to Sweden when I'm in Finland again. That's true and I'll sure do it ! (:

Now it has been almost a week since Daniel left. I haven't been nothing special, just being at school, relaxing at home with family, xbox games and my guitar. At school, btw, I have at last to speak with every people possible, talking during classes and between them. My goal is gain "the clown of the class"-thing which I had in Finland with my friends. It's gonna happen, believe or believe. No everything feels more right and easier when I have thrown my shield away and show everyone I'm not that frkn lonely boy without social skills. I love my life here now. Time flies here, and I wanna be here right now, with all there lovely people.

And now I wanna finish this blog. Captain Sami hopes u had a safety and good flight during reading this blog.

'til next blog's landing


keskiviikko 3. marraskuuta 2010

Thing above your head is called hair

This is my new hair now ! :--) U can say ur positive or shit comment about that !

I will write tomorrow about Halloween and everything excited stuff about it :))

'til then


tiistai 26. lokakuuta 2010

Every-day-life with freedom

A loooong time... since I wrote last time. The reason is; there's nothing special happened to me after that. To be honest life has now become that kinda every-day-life. There's no more moments of joy when everything is SO new and unusual. Right now I really want to live here and life is so good and normal!

But my life has changed a little bit 'cause the football ended last Friday. I have to say that I really enjoyed football and enjoyed even more when the season went on. But now it's also really nice to have a little break from sports and gain some weight... in my muscles ;)) ! It was kinda sensitive moment when I checked a score board in our last game and it showed "0:00" Then I knew, there's nothing to do, it was over. N0t my life but my career as a football legend. I can say that I was the best Finnish player in our team. I was happy and sad after all was over. Then one of our coaches came to me hugged me and said "It was great to have u here, thanks!" I smiled and thought "What a nice man". But then, when nobody expected it, it came slowly like in slow-motion-movie, deep from lungs: "Football is definitely NOT your sport." My answer was "Thanks!" I was speechless. I know that I wasn't so good at football but who in f*ck can come to me and say that after all. Answer is our coach. But that's alright, I didn't cry, I took it by humor as always. But anyways I don't definitely love that man. Because of the thing that I just said and I'm straight.

It's really weird to come home straight from school and having no practice after school. Now I have so much downtime that I don't even know what to do. :---D It's so funny that when u don't have downtime u might think during a practice: "Right now I could play guitar and Xbox, doing Facebook hanging out with friends." But when u get that time to do all that, u don't even want to do that whole the time. But don't get me wrong. I'm not sitting alone in our house and getting bored. It's impossible in this family. And it's all good. :--) I have to enjoy these 2-3 weeks that I have before basketball starts.

Nowadays I come home, make my homework if any and then do all the things I enjoy. Like guitar playing, Xbox, watching movies and TV, talking with my host family and reading ald Gothic stories from our English book. Guess what of those is not a thing I do? ( :

My future. It looks AWESOME!! My swedish brother (Daniel who was in this same family last year) is coming to visit here on Friday and will stay to Wednesday. :--) I really wait seeing him. And ofc I can tell some gay jokes from Swedish men. I will say to u how many jokes I got back to me about Finnish men with alcohol problems..
Also I'm getting NEW HAIR tomorrow! ((: Don't know yet what kind of, but I will put a photo tomorrow. :)

take care


maanantai 11. lokakuuta 2010

I gotta feeling that this year gonna be an awesome year

This is the moment u have been waiting for. An honest description how I feel without too much humor. U r allowed to cry after this.


Right now it really feels that all the students (almost) keep me as an American man. I mean there r yet some questions but pretty seldom. In hall ways, during luch and periods people talks me in same way they do with others. So I'm really happy now that i'm not weirdo anymore, even though it was cool at start. I think I'm a part of every group which we have in different. Everything is so automatic and normal (every day same schedule) and it's really safe and comfortable feeling to be at school. There are frustating moments with storys and texts of which I don't understand like any words, but I've started to get used to it. I'm still acting in pretty shy way 'cause I don't have so many things to say of stuff I haven't done. For more when there's buncha people I do some mistakes at times and saying something that makes sense to converstations it's hard also sometimes. That outsider-emotion is still bothering me a little, comparing my clown-role in Finland while periods there. But it's coming better I think. I felt myself as an outsider in the first day at school like 99,9%, right now it's like 7% I think and it will be zero after a moment. Finally I have to tell u guys that I'm often so tired at school, so I will change my routin, force myself to go to bed earlier than... cats! I bet when I'm not tired I'm more social. But there's no so much time to speak during the school day, but I have to use the time better. After all I can say I really like being at school and after a moment it will be even more fun when I will have more common memories this gonna be perfect!

~ Football

I have seriously got into the whole game. Every day I wait our practice to start. Even though I have more bruises than skin right now, I don't care! But I care about that our season will be over after two weeks... That's kinda sad, but 3 weeks break from sports after that is really good for change too. I love my team. They treat me as a part of the team, cares about me and I care about them. I enjoy football and run to the field with smile which changes serious face on the field while blocking and tackling. All the physically pain doesn't ever bother me 'cause I'm feeling so good inside my brains.

~ Important people in USA

Family. I love them all. I'm feeling as a family member and it warms my heart really much! I can talk with them about everything. If I have a bad day (which I have like never) I will and I can tell the reason to my family. Sitting in a dinner table feels so good, my family here together. We come along really good. We have had no arguments at all. There's no day without hugs. I have no words to describe how happy I am to be a member of this family. The reason why I'm happy every day, the biggest reason is this family. I'm feeling relaxed, being myself, superhappy, funny with these people I already love. An athmosphere is even warmer than weather right now (30 celsius). I'm the most lucky person in the world to live with the best family in the United States.

Friends. I have found like 10 friends already, and some people I can talk with. It's really hard to find some time to all new friends and get known them. I can say that I already have one really good friend and with him I have hanged out pretty often. Other friends are also goos but I need more time to getting known each other and then they will be better friends. During schoolweek it's impossible nut in weekends if there's nothing important going on I always try to hang out with some friends. I really hope like next weekend I could hang out with buncha people, it's a good way to get known buncha people at the same time. Talking with just one guy is easier than in a big group and I feel more confident and comfortable with just one guy. But it's gonna change, I think, when I will hang out more with groups. Time heels! I bet I'm gonna get many friends which stay as my friends when I come back to Finland.

~ Important people in Finland

My parents. I have realized how much I love them when I have been gone. They will always be my love ones. I read their e-mails. letter and everything in a different way now that I did in Finland, that's obvious I bet. There's sometimes little tears in my eyes when I read some e-mail from my parents. Of course I miss them at times, but I have so much stuff to dfo and I love my American family so there's usually not that kinda "missing you"-times. But sometimes after I have read their e-mail, before I've fallen asleep, I miss them or I think it's better to say: think how's they are doing, all our memories together, what kinda life wil be when I come back.

Love friends. There are same kinda things with missing friends that it's with parents. So much memories and always I hope that i would do those, but I think I'm gonna do them when I come back. Facebook is a good place to check how's everybody doing. Calling in skype, sending messages on Facebook it's not the same thing at all than hanging out in real life, but I'm okay with that. Time flies as u know and I will have the rest of my life to spend with my friends I love and right now my life is here. Love u guys and wil always! I bet we'll make this and be as good friends as the time I left here. Don't worries, I think about u guys and nobody replace u! See you after 8 months, right now I see still happiness here even though miss u guys at times when I have time to think a lot.

~ Right now

I'm feeling happy (as almost 247) and tired. I used to stress a lot about things like "What I will do then?" "When is that?" "What should I with that?" But now I'm not stressing at all, thanks for my host mom who waked me up! I also got today a letter from my grandparents, a postcard and photos from my parents. I can say they almost made me cry in the middle of living room. So now I can go sleep with a big smile.

'til next time

sensitive guy in this time


ps. 2 months !

sunnuntai 10. lokakuuta 2010

Round table

Guinnessss World Record! That's my goal now. I'm gonna keep this short and tell briefly about exchange students' round table meeting.

There were 3 things and 3 groups. At first my group did the "long-table"-thing. There were microphones and American students (this all happened in Xavier-high school) asked all kinda questions and we answered. Usually I was quiet with most people 'cause my section of table hadn't any mic so it did everything harder. But we Finns r pretty shy and quiet right? ;) It was fun and some of guys took it too much by humor and now others think that like Chinese are people that have no free time and German guys drink when they r 11...

Next thing was talking with American Spanish-class students. Last thing was just speaking with other exchange students. That's it! I had a great time to talk with people who actually understood what everything's like. After that I went 1,5 hour-drive to East Central to lost our football game. :---)

'til next time which is as soon as I have time !


torstai 7. lokakuuta 2010


Lazy and buzy. Those r the words to describe me.. but honesty I have now time for writing, not before. So, Homecoming has now come and it's past and now it is time to tell u guys something new special! This blog is just about one special thing that has happened to me after the Homecoming. In next blog I will write just about my feelings right now here. But I can tell u it's gonna be really positive blog! ;--)

All ideas come 1AM at night. That it's true when we r talking about my brother Kyle. "Could we go to see Muse to Minnesota?" Of course! And now again, one of my dreams came true. I bet there is no other exchange student that have seen Green Day and Muse during 2 months and is writing a blog called "Sami Iowassa". If u can find one, please call me and I can give him or her $1,000,000. If u can't u must send that money for me. Thanks u already. (--: (Oh god, so tiring humor when I should be sleeping)

I got off from school 1PM 'cause we had early out day. So even if u r not Sherlock Holmes I bet u can know what it means. Then our trip to Minnesota begun with my mother and brother. As u now (clever Finns) Minnesota is just next to Iowa in north. The drive took 4 hours and then we went to our hotel. It had hot tub and swimming pool and that kinda stuff but we decided just watch a movie in our room. :--DD After we ate in Italian restaurant, we all ate so much food that we were just stuck on our chairs and nobody couldn't walk (that's why we used our car). Hotel's brakfast was amazing. That kind of stuff that if u eat every day so much you r not able to get to a plane. So I think I will avoid eating that stuff every day. (I don't have enough money to spend all the nights in hotel).

After the breakfast we left to the store. And it's NOT a regular store. It was MAL OF AMERICA. About 9090796 different stores. The Mal in Minnesota is the biggest one in whole America I have heard. I bought buncha stuff. I spent only about $600. H&M and leather jacket ate most of my money... And we ate after sgopping in a special restaurant called Hooters. The idea is "Our food is not so good but look at our waitress' BOOBS, they have tight t-shirts and pants which r more underwear than pants, more food to eyes than your mouth". So here's one pic. That's me believe r not, she even didn't try to escape. ((:

And the last thing I wanna tell about is... MUSE!! ((:: :))) :))) The gig was amazing, they are so talented artists. It sounded so good that I don't really have no words to describe that. I just say: U HAVE TO SEE MUSE at leat once in your life. I enjoyed frkn much with my family. Here are pics. They can say more words than me.

Tomorrow I'm going to exchange students meeting. It will be one rounded table and we will discuss about stuff like how everything would be better. I think I'm gonna be quiet about that 'cause I have everything better than anybody else has. I will tell u guys about that and right after that I will keep my promise and do that blog which gets u cry 'cause I'm gonna be sensitive little boy. :'((

'til then


sunnuntai 26. syyskuuta 2010

AAH = All About Homecoming

Now it's over. Don't be happy, I'm not talking about my blog . :-DD I mean Homecoming week is over and now it's time to tell you my friends, everything about it. At first many of u people wonder "What is Homecoming?" To be honest I don't know either. But after my mom's story I know! It's when student,s from school who have been there and study in colleges and that kinda places nowadays, come back to visit to our school again. That's how I understood that. May be wrong, maybe not right.

Let's start from Monday. I didn't have any school (:: So let's start from Tuesday instead. We had colorful day. Every senior had to wear pink, freshmen yellow, sophomores violet, juniors blue, Finnish people pink (I'm senior). That was cool 'cause at same time I saw how are seniors, freshmen etc.. SO our school looked like rainbow. ;--D Here's how I looked that day, meaning that picture above. :--) Am I pretty?

Next day after Tuesday is surely Wednesday. All the highschoolers were expected to wear something which starts with letter S. To me it was too easy... I assume u all know what is my name? (--: There were supermen, samurais and sexy and that kinda people then.

Thursday was you had to wear "that-army-clothes-kinda-thing" clothes. I don't like that kinda clothes so I didn't wear at all. DON'T get me wrong! I wasn't naked. :--( Then the evening of Thursday was amazing! ((: Parade. Many cars, marching band and round through the city. Because I was in Homecoming court, what means that I was one of the Homecoming-king candinates, I was riding with car in parade with other candinates, Jacob and Sydney. Look that picture and after that u can say that how handsome we Finnish men are. Or not. Anyways it was unbelievable experience. :-------------)

Friday. Football. Fun. We had our Homecoming football games, JV (younger kids) and Varsity (older men). I'm playing in JV 'cause im too good to Varsity... We lost our both games but just a little difference in score. My highlight was that when I was in kickoff, I tackled one guy with boy in my team and after that they announced his and my name. It was SO great feeling after that. :--)) In Varsity's game's half time was that Homecoming court. So a queen and king were chosen. I wasn't chosen. I think I was too good for that also, so I'm very happy to be honest that I wasn't picked up 'cause crown belongs to somebody whohas been at school 3 years insted of my almost 2 months.

Saturday was yeasterday. Homecoming dance was the last thing in this Homecoming after that I came home. :-D I went to dance with Sydney and here's the picture of us. Don't freak out 'cause of that smile. My mom has taught that to me and I'm getting to get used to it. :)) The dance was like Finnish disco. Some fast dances and then some slow dances which I liked better. But not gonna tell more about those.. ;--)

So that was Homecoming. If somebody asks some day that "What is Homecoming?" Then u can read this blog to her/him. ((:

Right now I'm gonna read rest of the English play about witchcraft. It is as interesting as a blank paper. But when it's blank paper there's no 498579797 weird words that nobody ever use in every-day-life and I have no clue what they mean. :)) Then I will have onkly 3 footballpractices next week. Which is goos 'cause I have more time to spend with my friend. But now I have spent enough time.

'til next time


ps. After one week it's MINNESOTA and MUSE

perjantai 24. syyskuuta 2010

American people

Finally! I have some time to write about American people as I promised. Homecoming is almost over.. just tomorrow's dance and then boring school starts with smiles.. :--/ But I will tell about Homecoming after it's finally over. So I can keep u people excited (bored) little more.

Well, I try to tell u everything most funny and interesting things about Americans (impossible).

A huge thing to us as we r Finnish people is how they say "moro", "hei", "morske", "terska" etc. It's really often that one word changes to this: "Hi, how are you?" "Good, how are you?" "I'm good." And u must NEVER answer; "Really bad, my dog died, I broke up with my wife and my car was stolen." 'Cause they don't wanna hear it. It's just "terska". So keep it simple people! And they do that in stores, at school, in streets. It's so funny at start to think that a saleman is interested how r u feeling. But it's just a way to say hello. So when I come back it will be "Terska, miten rullaa?"

Most of the people here r so nice and friendly. Almost everyone at school has said something to me. It helped me to feel that I belong the gang right away. If u r feeling sad here, U MUST hide it. Just smile and everything's gonna be fine. And when u smile, smile that everyone sees ur teeth! My mom has said about this to me. And I try to learn this way, I have to, I want to. :) But I look like moron with teeth and smile.. Maybe it's just my opinion.

American people ARE NOT so fat as u imagine. They can do sports as well and I think here in Iowa it's as much fat people as Finland. (I move here from Finland so now number stays same :DD) And even though they say that girls r not so hot and pretty as in tv shows. But I have to say that u can find them here if u want. So if u are gay, go away, all i have to say. Joke. :--D

Sarcasm. It's the way of humor that if u use that here u r good ! Our family here is so sarcastic. And it's funny. I love them btw.

When I compare people to Finnish people. I have to say that ofc 'cause I'm Finnish I love my country people. But now has happened an unfair.. I love AMERICAN people also and very much ! (((: They show their happiness and are really social human beings. That's it.

I just described people I love now. I also feel like an American 'cause I HAVE STARTED THINKING IN ENGLISH !!! : )))

'til the Homecoming-maraton-novel


sunnuntai 19. syyskuuta 2010

The BEST WEEKEND so far !

It's true. I will keep u excited and at first tell you about other exciting things. ;--)

Last school week wasn't so special. Now I'm lying 'cause I was chosen as HOMECOMING KING CANDINATE ! :)) That means that I'm one of the 5 boys and one of us (me) gonna be homecoming queen... king sorry. So my victory is (not so) sure. :-) Next Friday u will know how is next king of USA.

Also we I had my first real tests at school. Math and History. Math was pretty easy after I figured out with dictionary what the **** is "math test" in Finnish. After that I was ready to go. History test wasn't as easy as Math one. My dictionary was bad that day and didn't help me to get A+. So it's gonna be Ö- or something. :s But that's okay. I think nobody in Finland can't answer for question "What happened in Kansas, 1945 or something and why?" with watching one movie in whole time before the test. But that was alright. The woman in movie was prety and that's the main thing right?

Talking. Is. Getting. Better. I talk much more nowadays to my friends at school than at start and that's one of the reasons why so many people r nice to me and my friends now. About speaking: today, I called to Kari with Skype and he said that my English sounds a little more American that it was before. And my Finnish speaking is freakin' fast also. I think ladies and centleman: here is next Antero Mertaranta! ;--D At first I spoke with him in Finnish and I was so suprised that it tok a lot of time to explain what I did yeasterday. Finally I explained that in English and I will do it also right now:

At first I went to watch a volleyball tournament of our school's girls'. It was nice and I didn't get the ball to my head. Next I have luch at a restaurant and then have some coffee with my homecoming date, Sydney. We had a really great time and we talked almost everything that American woman anf Finnish man can speak. I really enjoyed that. Then, right after that, I went to dancing party called Nightstorm with few of my friends (6) It was SO great. 600-700 highschoolers and most of them were pretty girls. So it was pretty much guys' paradise and also girls' because I was there. ;-)) The way that people danced was way more different than in a normal disco in Finland. People didn't even ask "Do u wanna dance with me?" They just crab a girl or a boy and start to dance. Little look and if they were pleased who they dance with. Amazing... My score in "girls-who-escaped-after-seeing-me" was zero. And believe or not I danced with girls. :D I think i have been telling too much about disco stuff. I will maybe regret that when I'm old granpa but now it's okay. :--) The last thing was my brother's, Kyle's, bonfire in our place. It was sweet to meet him and several other people. The clock was 03:30 AM when I finally went to sleep, and I fell asleep with a big smile on my face. :-----------))

Next week is HOMECOMING WEEK! (((: We will have homecoming parade on thursday evening and I'm in that parade 'cause I'm one of the candinates as I said. Then on Friday we have Homecoming football game, in a half-time they tell us who is gonna be homecoming queen and who's gonna be Sami. Then the last thing is on Saturday and it's Homecoming DANCE! ;)

I almost forgot to say that: I play first time in my life in a real football game! U don't believe that? :o Here r some proves for that.

In the first picture I am number 18, and in second picture I am the guy on left side.

So I'm gonna write next time after Homecoming week and write about that. NO WAY! Before that I'm gonna write about Americans and tell that some of our stereotypes are WRONG. So in next blog u can enjoy my opinion of Americans and after that is that Homecoming blog. I think a human being cannot tell his/her plans more difficult that I did. :)

'til then MORO


tiistai 14. syyskuuta 2010

About the YFU meeting and stuff

So, I promised to tell about YFU meeting. I'm sorry that this took so much time. (U got time to breath after my last "novel") I ofc think ur brains, they must be given some rest 'cause u must translate this everything.

I will keep this short 'cause SERIOUSLY I don't have time. Everyday is the same: going to school, football, dinner, homeworks (we are given lots of them here! like 25 exercises in Math is USUAL). Then I have only one hour or half an hour to do something and usual it's guitar playing and quick visit on Facebook.

About the YFU meeting. There were about 50 exchange students from all around the world (in fact 80% of us were from Germany). I don't get it... why Germany? There young people can drink when they're 16, so why go to spend tipaton (without alcohol) year in USA? :o They are from Germany, that must be a reason. In the meeting there were some teaching and some of that was unimportant 'cause I have so lovely and the best family as u know well. But it was pretty fun to see how are the others doing. When I compare myself to others I think I'm doing REALLY well. For example I DON'T have a girlfriend in Brazil, I'm not 3 hours per day at computer, my school grades are not D (5 in Finland). It's up to u and ur cleverness is it lower or higher. (; We had lunch there, everyone brought something food from their own country. I brought Karjalan piirakoita and they were the best ! :) As u can guess. One guy told a funny story: "When I was an exchange student many years ago I went to Germany. I couldn't speak a word that language before. The first thing happened to me was that I was outside our house. Then several girls came to our pool and took all their colther off. I got scared and escaped inside." U will be suprised as I tell u that it was he. I got known few students pretty well and I think I will get new Facebook-friends (((:

Next thing I'm gonna do is put some pics. The first one is me throwing basketball. The second one is our kitten. Is it cute? :))

Today was a good day at school. Few guys were asking what means "Fuck off", "Fuck u", "whore", "fuck" and "Shut up" in Finnish. It was funny when they started to shout in our hall way "Painnu vitun", "haista vitu", "huokra", "vitu", "turbha khii". Oh man I laughed :DD

Right now I have to go to get some sleep. I promise I will promise as soon as I have time. Hopefully u will enjoy my blog even though it isn't any more in Finnish. Mut vitu turpha khii. ;DD :DD

'til then


lauantai 11. syyskuuta 2010


AWESOME. That's the word to describe my feeling right now. :--)) I'm not sick anymore (just little coughing), I spoke with my best friend and my family in skype few hours this morning and I just came from walking with my mom (it was so cool; stars in the sky, perfect weather...). So these r some reasons for the word "AWESOME". If u check some dictionary there will be that kind of explanation of that word, believe me.

There's not much to tell about this week. I went school every day except on Thursday, and skipped all football practices 'cause I was sick. But on Friday there was a thing in last period called "pep rally". All the students and teachers came to our jim and there was such things as "throwing one teacher with pie", a running competition, cheerleaders' dance and good music. It was fun I think. We don't have in Finland this kind of thing, do we? I mean, yeah, u can throw ur teacher with pie but usually there's not so much people watching u than we had. :--((

Another "thing" which is coming closer is HOMECOMING. It means that there is a parade in one day, then there's a football game (with the best badass player of USA: Sami) And the last thing in Homecoming: Homecoming dance. And guess who have a partner already? ;) And I can tell it's a girl. :--) Sydney. We had become really good friends. ::)) So let's wait for homecoming !

During this week I have seen like 6 American movies (the ones we rented) and they all have been great ! : ) Btw when u people there in Finland complain about raining and that kind of stuff, I can tell here is about 30 celsius and sun is shining :) !

Today I spoke with my family and best friend Kari in Skype as I told. It was great to see their faces and hear their voices. We talked about pretty much everything. It was so nice! No words, but it didn't affect any homesickness. ((: I'm gonna talk with my parents once a month during this year. Somebody could think that's too much or not enough. But for me it's perfect, and that's the main thing. With friends the speaking in Skype is not so planned. When I have boring time I just called to my friends like 4am Finnish time and they love it! :)) Maybe it isn't so good idea if I want to keep my both eyes without black color... :--/ But I will made up something. (: Like get a helmet before coming back or something..

I have eaten KARJAN PIIRAKOITA few days now! My mom here made them. They r delicious and taste as same as in Finland. (better than in there) I have YFU-meeting in Iowa city tomorrow and I will see 50 other exchange students! :--) That's gonna be great. But waking up early tomorrow isn't a great thing. So I'm gonna sleep now. I will write about tomorrow as soon as I can! :)


maanantai 6. syyskuuta 2010

My fever is hot and it's cold, it's yes and it's no...

Game over, or it's better to say... FEVER is over! I had fever like 4 days... But now everything is so okay! I woke up this morning feeling okay and there's was no fever. Also I ate my mom's made Karjalan Piirakoita! ((: (traditional Finnish food, like bread and pie together).

But I think u want to know what I have been doing this whole time between my lastest blog and this. From Monday to Thursday it was pretty much just hanging out in periods at school with sore throat. Then practices after that although I couldn't practise whole time 'cause I was too weak (I don't mean my muscles, just my throat) ;) When I came home I pretty much just did my homework and took it easy.

Thursday also known as the HELL DAY. Everything was fine. After our practice we had a team meal. It's a tradition which we have every Thursday. Our parents made food. We have had like hamburgers, spaghetti and tacos before this day. After that meal I felt like... really sick. When we got home we checked my fever, it was 39 celsius/102.7 Fahrenheit. After that I was given several pills and then I felt little better. But it was awful time anyway.

I didn't have energy or time to hang out with my friends. Only one Subway-eating with Nathaniel. Then on Saturday morning I had to wake up 0545 AM, so that was kinda sweet... NOT. But I survived. The reason why I had to wake up that early was a football game of Iowa Hawkeyes. Amd as u know football here means AMERICAN football. :--) I was working with my mom there. Mom talked with customers and I filled drinks that people wanted. And I can tell there are 4 kind of people depending which drink they choose.

Group 1: people who r fat and take normal Coke, so they don't care how they look like.
Group 2: people who r fat and take Diet Coke and think they will be skinny by drinking that, at home waits the steak...
Group 3: people who r skinny and take normal Coke and do some sports maybe to keep in good shape.
Group 4: people who take Diet Coke and that's maybe the reason why they keep in good shape.

So here's some photos of the game and me, the best Finnish salesman there and the only one. ((::

Now when the times has run and it's almost a month here, I have started to think home. Like when I yeasterday read my parents' e-mails and talked with my friends on Facebook. Those e-mails nearly (remember: NEARLY) made me cry.. You can realize how much u love ur family and friends when u r far away and it has been long time since u have seen them. It's weird. But I like that. That might mean that I'm weird. Weird... Anyways this year is gonna change my relationships with those people, I think only make them stronger like my hand muscles.

At the end I would like to say: FUCK! My fever is back < 3 < 3 :)=)))(((: ::: ! Let's just hope it's over in some day. Lucky we rented yesterday 5 movies. So I have something to do! Good by my life ! :--D And also I had to learn some difficult words in English, test tomorrow.. They are that hard that even my American classmates don't know them. All I need is luck. Keep your thumbs up mates ! :)

(try to)
write soon !

'til then, moikkelis !


maanantai 30. elokuuta 2010

Important note with sore throat

The softest couch in this universe, a cat beside me, good music and sore throat. These things make Sami happy. But not the sore throat though. I have had this throat thinhg like few days now and I think it's gone soon. :---) That's was all I had to explain, so pretty much.. hopefully u didn't get mad or anything.

At first I would like to tell u guys about today. In first period we had PE and I did some weightlifting! I could lie and tell that I lift like 120 kg but to be honest... maybe better to be quiet about truth.. :--/ In a football practice I tried to be brave guy and act like I was okay, but it was impossible after hitting people and running arounf for an hour, then I felt like dying. And I didn't want to die too early 'cause I have this exxhange year thing and so on. :-) Then I said that to our coach and he understood (hopefully) and I was able to chill around and watching other's hitting each other like animals. But before I started to chill, during that hour I practised, I MADE A TACKLE ! It was my first one in my life and after that the coach and other boys said "Really good job Sami !" It really warmed my heart and the tackle warmed my elbow.. (: I just have to hope that what they said wasn't sarcasm... So here's the coming enemies' killer, Sämi Häränojja. Btw many guys have make a joke about my lastname: "It sounds like paranoia." Hahaahaa..

Right now, I have done my homeworks (one exercise in which I had to explain what I think about relationships, so pretty easy :)) took about 5 minutes. Even I'm now resting 'cause of my fuckin' throat, it's fine. I need that kind of times that there's nothing to do, just relax.. I have flown this whole time there and it has been really nice ! But now I'm really enjoying this moment. <8

It's weird and sad that here is no anymore guy who would called me gay twice a day, making fun of my mistakes using Finglish, hitting me whole time, playing a guitar with me. :--( My bother is now in college and lives inside his school. But I think I will get use to this situation. The nicest mom in the USA will surely help me in that. We helped Kyle in his moving out and it was great fun, to carry a fridge like 4 floors upstairs... It was pretty cool really. Here's the photo of us in Mexican restaurant before Green Day.

As u can notice of our shirts, we r not fans of Green Day at all. ((: Last thing I would like to say is my shopping day on sunday! I spent like $200 but bought so cool clothes with that much money that u r gonna be so DEEP GREEN of jealous. ;--) Each one had price which one like half of Finnish prices... : )) Here's the photo of my new junk.

Now, I would like to know what U want to know? What u want me to write? I would love to get some suggestions. SO feel free to ask everything and suggest everything! :--) 'til then with love Sami ps. EVERY teacher has an APPLE-laptop.

keskiviikko 25. elokuuta 2010

Monday, Greenday and Schoolday

I made a visit to Heaven. There were Billie Joe Amstrong, Trey Cool, Mike Dirnt and thousands of other people. GREEN DAY'S CONCERT IN MICHIGAN !! (((: They played all the hit songs and then some old stuff which also warmed my heart and now it's melted. :< I have no words to describe that concert. It was my most amazing experience in whole year (when we don't count stepping of a plane to Iowa). 'Cause I have words now I had to take some photos. So here u are.

Before the Green Day we were in Michigan in my mom's sister's house. It was great fun! We ate healthy food, like pizzas, burritos, cookies and that kind of stuff. Driving there was only about 7 hours, so my ass died. Tomorrow is my ass' funeral. So you all are more than welcome to come! :-) 'Cause of ass dying-car trip we were just all watching tv without realizing that it was on. We did one thing also.. One picture tells more than the thousand words. But I think this next picture tells only a lie that I'm gay 'cause I'm not, believe or not. This was mom's idea and I accept it..

I really enjoyed the Michigan-trip. It made me, Kyle-brother and Georgeanne-mom closer to each other. And that's a really good thing 'cause there will be at least two people in my ass' funeral. Just kidding, u know the right reason.

Today was the first real day at school. I mean it was the first day when I had all periods. I really liked all courses! Ofc there r some "not-so-fell-in-love" courses but that's just life. But I can say my school day feels shorter than in Finland. One reason can be that actually it was like one hour shorter... :--DD And also nice and funny teachers with friendly students was another reason for that. PE is great, like chilling out with friends and at same time playing for example volleyball. Physics is lovely easy at start but it will be as hard as my ass' grave stone. English is a little child's doing, playing game in which u have to say something nice to people standing in front of u. But it's okay. Playing age, whole life u know (works only in Finnish) Some course called drafting was joking with teacher about dating websites. I think there will be much more in future, drawing with computer (making datesites). Math was okay, terms hard and some exercises too. I am in choir! I am next American Idol, so PLEASE turn the TV on every night to see me. Social course, I would descrice.. it's social. Then US history, no need to describe to you i think.. but i have to say the teacher is funnier than this blog! So VERRYYY funny. Now when you are green about jealous, I will stop now. Because I'm blue about tireness. I will write next time when I have some free time. I can tell here's not much that.

See my blog soon!


perjantai 20. elokuuta 2010

Football-fitness without any homesickness

More than a week. That's time I have spent here now. I have fallen in love with Iowa. Don't worries.. it's not a girl, it's a state. I can tell you that I have had homesickness as much as I have been in Finland during this week, so NO homesickness at all! :) I think the reasons are that I have been so buzy and all the people are sooooooo nice !

School started on on Wednesday. It didn't felt school at all 'cause all the teachers were just asking questions about out vacation and so on. Like: "Did you have a boy/girlfriend during the summer?", "Who broke up with somebody in summer?" I think that it would have been nice to ask those questions from the teacher as well. But I thought that wasn't my best idea. And the other hand she or he would have got it wrong and that I was asking her/him for a date... :s So the first day started so good: I messed up with my schedule like 3 times and every time I changed one course, other courses fell as domino reaction. I think it was quite important to get courses which I liked best 'cause I'm gonna study same courses in same order for a half year, must look every same faces that whole time... But it will be fun! ;) School is always fun, is
n't it? Second day wasn't easier than the first one. I messed up again with my schedule and change some of them AGAIN. Don't get this wrong: my mind is not that kind of "whole time changing" like some girls have... ;--D It's just my schedule liked to change itself. Finally, after all battles, crying, laughing. HERE IT IS! This kind of schoolday I will have every day. Ladies and centleman, my schedule for a half year:

1. Physical Education (don't get fat)
2. Topics in Social Studies (quite cool)3. Physics (keeps my brains working)
4. Choir (I'm gonna be next American Idol)
5. Pre Calculus (1+1=3)
6. US History (interesting)
7. Drafting (no frkn idea what's this gonna be like...)
8. English 11 (I can speak English)

So here u are. I think all the teachers of these subjects are very nice and funny, but I have to say that the teacher who teaches History and that Social thing is the most funny man in this planet. :--) I like all the courses much more than in Finland but the reason might be that they haven't started for real yet.. When they have I will write about that! :)

I said that "hell" started. But I think it was and is much more like heaven. Today we had no school 'cause... I don't really know the real reason. But who cares! ((: I will go to school next time on Wednesday 'cause we r going to travel to Michigan my USA mom's sister and after that on Monday to Chicago to see Green Day. Next time I will have school on Wednesday.. so sad.. ;--<

Here are couple of photos. This is the house where I'm living. :)) What u think?

After a hour or so I will go to my very first American football game! So this can be my last blog 'cause I maybe don't have hands or head after hitted 987987 times to ground. Just kidding :) ....987988 times I mean. But anyways I don't think I'm gonna play much 'cause it would be like suicide to put me playing whole game after one real practice. To be honest I have no idea what I have to do. Only thing I really need is luck. So could somebody bring it to me? ;--) I will do next blog after that Michigan-Chicago-Greenday-trip. (:

'til then
