maanantai 30. elokuuta 2010

Important note with sore throat

The softest couch in this universe, a cat beside me, good music and sore throat. These things make Sami happy. But not the sore throat though. I have had this throat thinhg like few days now and I think it's gone soon. :---) That's was all I had to explain, so pretty much.. hopefully u didn't get mad or anything.

At first I would like to tell u guys about today. In first period we had PE and I did some weightlifting! I could lie and tell that I lift like 120 kg but to be honest... maybe better to be quiet about truth.. :--/ In a football practice I tried to be brave guy and act like I was okay, but it was impossible after hitting people and running arounf for an hour, then I felt like dying. And I didn't want to die too early 'cause I have this exxhange year thing and so on. :-) Then I said that to our coach and he understood (hopefully) and I was able to chill around and watching other's hitting each other like animals. But before I started to chill, during that hour I practised, I MADE A TACKLE ! It was my first one in my life and after that the coach and other boys said "Really good job Sami !" It really warmed my heart and the tackle warmed my elbow.. (: I just have to hope that what they said wasn't sarcasm... So here's the coming enemies' killer, Sämi Häränojja. Btw many guys have make a joke about my lastname: "It sounds like paranoia." Hahaahaa..

Right now, I have done my homeworks (one exercise in which I had to explain what I think about relationships, so pretty easy :)) took about 5 minutes. Even I'm now resting 'cause of my fuckin' throat, it's fine. I need that kind of times that there's nothing to do, just relax.. I have flown this whole time there and it has been really nice ! But now I'm really enjoying this moment. <8

It's weird and sad that here is no anymore guy who would called me gay twice a day, making fun of my mistakes using Finglish, hitting me whole time, playing a guitar with me. :--( My bother is now in college and lives inside his school. But I think I will get use to this situation. The nicest mom in the USA will surely help me in that. We helped Kyle in his moving out and it was great fun, to carry a fridge like 4 floors upstairs... It was pretty cool really. Here's the photo of us in Mexican restaurant before Green Day.

As u can notice of our shirts, we r not fans of Green Day at all. ((: Last thing I would like to say is my shopping day on sunday! I spent like $200 but bought so cool clothes with that much money that u r gonna be so DEEP GREEN of jealous. ;--) Each one had price which one like half of Finnish prices... : )) Here's the photo of my new junk.

Now, I would like to know what U want to know? What u want me to write? I would love to get some suggestions. SO feel free to ask everything and suggest everything! :--) 'til then with love Sami ps. EVERY teacher has an APPLE-laptop.

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