I will keep this short 'cause SERIOUSLY I don't have time. Everyday is the same: going to school, football, dinner, homeworks (we are given lots of them here! like 25 exercises in Math is USUAL). Then I have only one hour or half an hour to do something and usual it's guitar playing and quick visit on Facebook.
About the YFU meeting. There were about 50 exchange students from all around the world (in fact 80% of us were from Germany). I don't get it... why Germany? There young people can drink when they're 16, so why go to spend tipaton (without alcohol) year in USA? :o They are from Germany, that must be a reason. In the meeting there were some teaching and some of that was unimportant 'cause I have so lovely and the best family as u know well. But it was pretty fun to see how are the others doing. When I compare myself to others I think I'm doing REALLY well. For example I DON'T have a girlfriend in Brazil, I'm not 3 hours per day at computer, my school grades are not D (5 in Finland). It's up to u and ur cleverness is it lower or higher. (; We had lunch there, everyone brought something food from their own country. I brought Karjalan piirakoita and they were the best ! :) As u can guess. One guy told a funny story: "When I was an exchange student many years ago I went to Germany. I couldn't speak a word that language before. The first thing happened to me was that I was outside our house. Then several girls came to our pool and took all their colther off. I got scared and escaped inside." U will be suprised as I tell u that it was he. I got known few students pretty well and I think I will get new Facebook-friends (((:
Next thing I'm gonna do is put some pics. The first one is me throwing basketball. The second one is our kitten. Is it cute? :))
Today was a good day at school. Few guys were asking what means "Fuck off", "Fuck u", "whore", "fuck" and "Shut up" in Finnish. It was funny when they started to shout in our hall way "Painnu vitun", "haista vitu", "huokra", "vitu", "turbha khii". Oh man I laughed :DD
Right now I have to go to get some sleep. I promise I will promise as soon as I have time. Hopefully u will enjoy my blog even though it isn't any more in Finnish. Mut vitu turpha khii. ;DD :DD
'til then
Haha same thing here. Everyone wants to here what is "fuck" "shit" or something in finnish. And then they shout those words in school. And it's so funny when they say "vitu". It's hard to say "vittu" so it's always vitu.
VastaaPoistaexactly :-DD luulen et johtuu siitä ku meil on niin paljon konsonantteja peräkkäin ja jenkit ei oo tottunu siihen :DD kaikki meni ihan tyhmiks ku luettelin numerot 1-10 suomeks ku ne pyysi :)