lauantai 26. marraskuuta 2011

Uusi alku eli Huippubloggaajan paluu

Töttöröö pitkästä aikaa. Innostuin sitten viimein ja alotin uuden blogin kirjottamisen. Tsekatkaa ihmeessä. Sinne pääsee TÄSTÄ. :)


keskiviikko 20. heinäkuuta 2011

Famous Last Words

Kaikki hyvä loppuu aikanaan. Niin myös mun blogi. Kiitän kaikkia, jotka jaksoitte olla hengessä mukana mun vaihtovuoden ajan! :) Arvostan sitä todella. Toivon, että kaikki kertomani sai teiät (kyllästymisen lisäksi) innostumaan vaihdosta, ja parhaassa tapauksessa ehkä jopa lähtemään itsekin vaihtoon. Itse nautin vuodestani täysin siemauksin, enkä katunut päivääkään, että lähdin vaihtoon.

Sen verran voin vielä sanoa, että ei ole yhtäkään vaatimusta, mikä pitäisi täyttää ryhtyäkseen vaihto-oppilaaksi. Ei tarvitse olla enkun numerona 10 tai luokan rohkein ja pihalle heitelty nuori. Voit olla täysin oma itsesi, vaikka olisitkin tosi ujo. VAIHTOVUOSI MUUTTAA IHMISENÄ. :---) Enkun numero voi myöskin olla vaikka 5. Ei tarvi VIIS veisata, koska kielitaito paranee kuin itsestään alkuviikkojen sönkötyksen ja parin sanan käytön jälkeen.

Ite välillä laiskottelin tänne kirjottelun suhteen, mutta in general nautin tänne kirjottelemisesta. Saattaa olla, että jonkunlaista blogia jatkan skriivaileen tässä joskus. Ihan kaikista elämän ihmeistä ja omasta elämästäni. Laitan tännekin sitten linkkiä, jos ja kun kyseisen homman alotan. Muttei kannata liikaa toivossa elää. Mut eläkää TÄYSILLÄ!

Vielä kerran kiitos ja kumarrus, meikäläisen munaus


keskiviikko 22. kesäkuuta 2011

Home Sweet Home

Ei meiän talo oo makeessa homeessa... Eli ei tartte huolestua. :)

Täällä ollaan sitten ny vähä yli viikko "homehduttu". Kyllä on ONNELLINEN fiilis ei voi muuta sanoo. :---) Selittelenpä ny pääpiirteittäin miten tää tästä on lähteny käyntii tää elämä. Ihan ku olis kaikki nyt sillee puhtaalla pöydällä, jonka likaamisen voi taas alotella.

Tulin siis siinä kahden maissa päivällä 17. kesäkuuta kentälle. Sitä ennen lennot meni ihan jees. Sellaset vaivaset 30 tuntia tuli matkustusaikaa lentoineen ja perse homeessa istumisineen. Ei teitä kumminkaa kiinnosta lentojen ajat ja muut ykstyiskohtaset tietopaukut. Joten sanottakoon nyt vaan se et kone istuskeli Washingtonin kentällä 2 tuntia paikallaa märän kiitoradan takia. Se oli oikein hauskaa; 10 minuutin välein tuli kuulutus, että vielä 10 minuuttia lähtöön. Tätä jatkuki sitte se kuuluisa 2 tuntia. No, onneks ei koneita missattu. :) Muutenki tuli suomen kieltä harjoteltua oikein olan takaa, kun ryhmässä oli parikymmentä suomalaasta. Ei tarvinnu ihan sönköttäen porukoiden huomaan astella, vaikka kyllä se suomi, oma äidinkieli, sieltä nopeesti lähti sujuu ku rasvattu salama ukkosella.

Koko matkan oli sellanen outo fiilis. Tottakai ekaks oli aika surullista sanoo hyvästit host perheelle, mutta tieto siitä, että ne tulee 11. heinökuuta hengailee Suomen sateisiin, teki lähdöstä helepompaa. Matkan aikana ei pystyny viä käsittää et on tulossa ikiroutaiseen Suomeen takasi. Vasta sitten, kun näki Helsingin ja Suomen maisemia lentokoneen ikkunasta, alko perhoset lentelee vastan syvyyksis, ja tajuaa että EI PERKELE, mähän oon kohta taas Suomessa. Kentällä sitte ku matkalaukut oli käsis, nii alko sydän pamppaa ku meksikon pikajunan raiteet talvipakkasella.. Sitte löysin itteni iskäni, sitten äitini, sylistä. Ja kaikki purkaantu, jännitys siis. Outoo oli koko 2 tunnin automatka kotii. Ku tulin meiän taloo nii oma huone ja WC näytti ku pienoismalleislta ku oli tottunu vähä isompaa jenkkivuotena. Jenkeissähän kaikki on isompaa u know. (:

Tän vähä yli viikon mua onki sitte revitty suuntaan ja toiseen. Sukulaaset haluaa nähä, kaverit haluaa nähdä, kaikki haluaa nähdä. Aika on menny kaikkien näkemiseen. Se on ollut outoa ja tosi onnellista yhtä aikaa. :) Yleisesti ottaen tuntuu välillä joidenki ihmisten kaa että olis vasta eilen lähtenyt. Sen verran hyvät on välit. :) Niistä huonoista ei sitten puhutakkaa haha. Nyt olis tänä pe juhannus, se meni sukulaasten kaa juhliessa ja hauskaa oli isolla h:lla. On se vaan niin outoo ostaa ite ja juoda jotain alkoholipitoisia virvoitusjuomia. Mutta seura se tärkeintä on. Ei juoma. Tottakai jos ne yhdistää..

Fiilikset on tällä hetkellä IHAN mahtavat!! :)) Rakastan Suomee ja kaikkia tärkeitä ihmisiä kyseisen maan sisällä. Suomi on nyt ja aina MAAILMAN PARAS MAA. <3 Vaihto-oppilasvuosi kasvatti, mutta ei se tosiasioita muuttanut mihinkään suuntaan.. :)

Seuraaviin jauhamisiin,


keskiviikko 15. kesäkuuta 2011

Last day in Iowa

Today is the day which came WAY too soon.. MY LAST DAY IN IOWA. It feels so weird.. Right now I'm (trying) packing my stuff, and I can tell I have SOME haha.

These last days went by like a tornado. (we had one tornado two days ago btw) I don't have any time anymore.. Where is the time? I already checked under my bed.

So, last Saturday I had my Good Bye Party for my closest friends at our house. I had a BLAST and fun. Even though it was sad, at the same time, to know that was the last time we are having a bonfire and fun time together..

Here's a photo from the party. There were more people haha. But, who would like to take a picture with me..? Haha. I wanna get rid of my "haha" manner. It's annoying I know haha.

A day after Saturday (which would be called Sunday) I went to my favorite restaurant, Buffalo Wild Wings, with my bro and Mom. Here's a pic. What a pretty family, right?

Last night my friends organized a Good Bye Dinner for me (they were just hungry). I had, again, a great time with them and it was hard to say good byes.. and hug them one last time. Some of my friends are coming to the airport tomorrow morning though. 6AM oh boy :) I have to get up 4AM, so I might be a winner.

I'm gonna ask some of your guys questions now. My general opinion of my year here is defeinitely positive. This was a life experience which you can't even describe with words. I changed as a person; gained more self-confidence, got a strong self-esteem, learned to speak better English, got a new family and friends and lots more good stuff. I enjoyed so much, all those memories will stay in my heart. This year was a BLAST. I didn't regret doing this at all, not even a second. I recommend going to be an exchange-student for everybody. It will change your life, and make it better!

Annoying and bad things in American culture are, in my opinion, that sometimes they are too proud of their own country and don't care about the other countries so much. Also, everything has to be FAST. They can't wait and be calm so well. I don't think there's nothing else, which is kinda bad. But I love American culture and those "bad" things make it the American culture. So, don't get mad American guys. I love you and USA. Nobody is perfect. There are lots of stuff in Finland too, for sure, that you guys dislike. :--)

Good things in American culture. This list would take too long, so I try to be quick (must pack all the stuff..). All the people are more brave and friendly for other people than I used to see in Finland. They take good care of others. All the fast food places, stores, landscapes. I just love them all.

I'll write next time, when I'm back in Finland. Then you will see what are my feelings then. (--: I think I'm gonna feel sad 'til I'm in the air, and then starting to get happy of going back home and seeing everybody. We'll see. I'm gonna miss everybody here, but as I said my host family is coming to Finland in three weeks! So, I don't have to wait too long. :--) I promise to have a safety trip, and try to get over the sea.

Good bye, see you later American alligators !


perjantai 10. kesäkuuta 2011

One week left, then my year will end...

One week. ONE week. What the.. ONE WEEK! :o After one week I'm sitting in my room in Finland. That feels weird, really weird. I can't believe my year is almost over. Right now I have so many feelings and all of them are in a huge disorder, like a mess in my head. So, that was a warning; this blog is gonna be as messed up.

I would separate my thoughts to these themes: sadness, speed, weirdness, happiness, change and frustration. Now I'm gonna explain each one of those, because a word doesn't tell thousand words. Even though I tried to be sneaky and take a picture of speed and stuff..

Sadness. This is really obvious one. From the moment I wake 'til the moment I fall asleep, I'm feeling sad. In some point of the day more, in another point less. Sadness and a thought of leaving is always on my mind no matter what I do. I've played guitar, Xbox watched movies, hanged out with friends (not so much because most of them are workaholic dudes haha), none of those hasn't helped. After each day, I realize, I have one day less time to spend here, behind the cornfield. This is definitely different feeling than I had, when I left from Finland. Then I knew I'm coming back and living rest of my life there, but in this case, I'm not coming back here to live anymore. Of course I'll come to visit, as often as I have time and money. I think I'll have more time in my life than money though.. Anyways, it's not a same thing at all to come visit than stay and live. My year was a huge blast. I know I'm gonna miss everything here. My best family ever is the number one in my missing list; Kyle (my brother who is like a real bro for me now, I don't have any real ones as u guys know), Georgeanne (my Mom who was always there for me, helped me through my some problems, made me laugh and was a person who I could tell everything) and Alan (my host Dad). For more I have so many things I'm gonna miss, but I could mention like friends, our animals, Iowa, our daily routine stuff, American fast food places and stores, you name it. My leaving is going to be easier than it could be though. The reason for that is my host bro's and Mom's visit to Finland, after a month I leave from here. So, it's gonna be much harder to say good byes, when they will leave from Finland. That's good that I have some time to save some water for my tears then. Every day I try to cheer up and be happy. Most of the part it's possible, but there's the though of leaving every frkn second. :/

Speed. I don't mean my running speed in Track. I mean time. It's really going whole the time faster as my time runs smaller. These 10 months flew in general. Before I came I though: "10 months are going to feel really long!" I was sooooo wrong. Feels like I just said that I have two months left, after a moment it was one month, and like after few days (that's how it feels) it's now one week. For the future exchange-students I'll give an advice: Even if time would feel long at the start or in some point of the year, don't think about it! Just enjoy 110% because in some point, you realize: "Who the f*** stole my time?" Somebody did pick pocket me already. I don't have any time in my pockets anymore. I'll try to enjoy 110% the rest of my days, but, I can tell, it's really damn hard. Few blinks and I'm at the airport with my suitcase.. Anyway, there's one more week to E-N-J-O-Y! (:

Weirdness. This is not meant to describe me, even though some of you might think it does. I feel lots of weirdness about going back home after 10 months. It feels weird, how I'm gonna see my family and friends again, sleeping in my own bed (my parents bought me a new one because my old one was broken.. and don't think it was broken because of some activity on it, it just had a hole, the bed had I mean..) and going on living my life in my lovely home town. It's gonna be fine I bet, but it takes time for sure to get used to it again. Also, all the daily routines, people and places. They are not the same, they gonna be familiar in Finland, but it's weird to get used to them again. It's like learning how to walk again. You know how to do it in the back of you head, but if you sit on a chair 10 months, walking might be hard and weird at first. After a while it's starting to work again though. I'm feeling really wise because of my comparasion. Don't ruin that up from me by saying I'm just dreaming!

Happiness. Still, with all weird and sad feelings, I'm in some way feeling happy too. A thought of seeing all the love ones, family, friends and all the familiar places, foods and everything. Those all give me a happy thought. Those things are definitely going to make happy. Don't get me wrong though. As I said I'm feeling kinda sad whole the time. I can't be smiling and cheering for leaving, because I don't feel that way. I hate to leave all behind, but it's also kind of happy side in leaving too (which is hidden somewhere), that I will see my host family in one month and in my final destination; there's people who love me too.

Change. Many people, also called as exchange-students, are scared of change. I have to admit, I was maybe kinda scared of that when I first came. Right now, I'm not scared at all. I know for sure that I've changed a lot. It's hard to notice in myself. So, I can't say that 100% sure. Anyways, I read some of my old blogs, notes, messages and stuff from last year and little bit later than that. It was funny, ridicilous and ashaming to read all of those. My opinions, self-esteem and self-confence were way different than they are now.. I'm not gonna give any examples because I could turn red (like you would see my face). For more all the people in Finland have changed; people I know, my friends, everybody. They might have their own things, new friends and own stuff now. I might not be a friend of some of them anymore. So, I'm prepared to face that fact. It could be hard in some cases, but I have a way of thinking for all that; if they are not my friends anymore, they were not a worth of being my friends. I know there are at least my closest friends who will stay as my friends. That's enough for me. I'm gonna make new friends too, so there you have it. :--) Can't change the change, but can learn to live with it and turn it to a positive thing. (:

Frustration. This is the last thing in my mind (small brains). There's so much to do, people to see, places to go.. and not enough time. But, I will make a best from it. I quit baseball already. That helped my frustration a little bit. Tomorrow, I'm having a GOOD BYE PARTY for my friends at my house. There's gonna be a bonfire and we are all gonna have fun and a blast for sure. :--------) Then, on Sunday, I'm going to Buffalo Wild Wings-restaurant with my family. It's the chicken wings place. We were there on my birthday plus few times more during this year. The main reason I wanted to go there, is that it was the first restaurant we went to eat after I arrived here. Memories.. Then the top of my frustation will be next Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Oh man.. I think I will just hide the whole frustration under a carpet and just smile. :) I will write again soon. On Sunday (that's the plan but..) about my Good Bye Party and that dinner in BWW with my family.

Our Track Coach and I in out Track Banquet today.

'til next time


maanantai 30. toukokuuta 2011

Graduation (fake one)

Yesterday was the day I had been waiting for: the GRADUATION DAY. I mostly waited that 'cause I wanted to wear that lovely hat so badly, just kidding. Anyways, I bet you guys there in snowy Finland don't know more about Graduation than American TV shows have shown to you. I've watched American shows and the only thing I remember about them is that frkn hat. So, let me tell ya everything (a little bit more than the hat) that I remember from yesterday.

Our Graduation started at 2PM. That was good since I got my beaty dreams which I need for living. In the beginning of the Graduation ceremony we, seniors, walked to our jim two people at the time. I got to walk with a boy, so we didn't hold hands (should I have?). Then we sat down, which is wise thing to do when you have chairs behind you. We listened one speech from our Principal, another from one teacher, and then few from seniors. That wasn't that bad. I sang with our Choir after the speeches. We started with the national anthem of the United States. I have to admit; I didn't have any clue that we were suppose to sing that, and I don't know the words either.. Oi maamme Suomi synn.. No.. wrong country. I knew the words for our second song which was called "Lean On Me".

Once the American Idol Contest was over, teachers started the longest part of the whoel ceremony; scholarships. They gave like 54878789990 scholarships. There was always a different person to represent, who got the scholarships and where. I was pissed they didn't say any reasons for choices. Maybe they gave those for them whose faces they liked best. Well, I don't think that was the reason. Otherwise my bookshelf would be full of scholarships.

After those scholarships it was time for giving High School Diplomas for seniors. Everybody got theirs. I didn't. The reason for that was that I'm an exchange-student. All the others have gone to school for 4 long years and I have just chilled there one year. I got a different kinda paper which said this: "The handsome Finnish boy (changed the name because this is a public blog haha) has completed the basic requirements as an exchange-student at Springville High School."

Then, the ceremony was over and we made a line in our cafeteria. The line was for parents and teacher, that they could say "Good job!" for each one of us. I hugged about 79874987 times and said "Thank you." at least same amount of times. My smiling muscles were dead after the line had passed us.

Photos tell you more than my stupid stories. So here you are guys. (:

The rest of the day was fun too. We went to some Graduation parties, ate some free food there and met people too. (Ofc food was the main reason to go...) I, myself, spent the evening 'til 2AM in my friend's yard. He had a bonfire and there were tons of people, and lots of fun! :--)

Today, I took some suntan, helped my Mom in gardening (not gay stuff at all...) and chilled. It feels so horrible, when people ask "When do you leave back home?" Then, when I say the answer, I realize how little time I have left... It's gonna be awful to leave my friends and family here. After all, it's gonna be easier than it could be, because... my host family is going to visit me and the other exchange-student brother to Europe! They will come to Finland in the middle of July. :)) So, I bet the good byes from Finland will be even harder. Right now, I'm gonna enjoy these last weeks for SURE! :---)

'til next time


Senior's life is an easy life

For the first time, I have a really good reason why I haven't written for a long time; I shut down our Internet. Please, don't get me wrong... I'm not a computer freak who plays games 24/7 and sleeps two hours per day while eating popcorn. Alright... I love popcorn, but the reason for our Internet problem was me. I watched some hockey games via Internet. So, I'm a hockey freak instead.

Anyways, now it works again, and you can read my lovely thought after that little break. Isn't that great? Even greater thing is that I've been done with school since 20th of May. After that I have been pretty much sleeping, eating and relaxing. Even though, these last months at school were pretty much sleeping and eating too. After all I like this situation better (a softer couch).

Between sleeping and eating I've been playing Baseball in our school's team. We have practices every day from Monday to Friday 5-7PM. As you guys might remember, I played Finnish Baseball for 10 years. So, I walked to our first practice with really confident thoughts. After that first practice my thoughts were: "Thank God I didn't tell anything about my FInnish Baseball career to coaches... That career didn't help me at all."
Of course catching the ball is similar stuff. Running to bases has different rules though. Then, there is the most different thing: batting. To be honest, in the batting, there are only two common things, when comparing to Finnish version: both have a ball and a bat. Everything else, including pitching and batting technique, are new things for me to learn. I admit, it's kinda funny to start learning to bat in a totally different way than I have used to do 10 years. Until this day the ball has hit my body parts more than my bat. I might have more bruises than home runs in the end of this season. I was cathing in one of our games already... for one inning. I might play in one or two games still, we'll see. I'm gonna quit Baseball soon anyways though, because I have only few weeks left and I wanna see my friends and enjoy the rest of my time here. :--) Enjoy these photos of a future baseball star and his team.

St. Louis. I found myself from there last Wednesday. I was there for two days with our Senior Class. You don't have to be Einstein to realize that it was our Senior Class trip. We left 6AM, which was really wonderful. After we got there, we went to a City Museum. It was kinda like children's playground, but hey; I'm only 18! It was like a work-out to climb in small holes, and some of them were really slippery (doesn't sound perv or anything...). Anyways, here are some pictures from there. In the second one, you can see our Senior Class of 2011. Believe or not we had fun.

Once we have acted enough like babies, we drove to our hotel. The hotel was awesome; free popcorn and pops as much as you can get into your belly. As soon as our bellies were full, we went swimming to our hotel's pool. We had to go back to our rooms after and hour or so, because there wer tornado warning in St. Louis! I was ready for flying cars in the sky and lots of broken glass. After a while I got dissapointed, when the only stuff that I saw were huge wind and rainy weather. After all it was maybe better that it wasn't any worse. Otherwise I woulnd't been writing this blog. I wanna keep you readers happy.

Hard Rock Cafe was our next address. Waiters there weren't as excited as in Hawaii, but burgers were as delicious for sure. Here's a bad quality from the restaurant.

Next morning came (what a suprise!) and we ate breakfast and headed to the Mall of St. Louis. I didn't buy anything. My suitcase is in a diet right now and can't gain any more weight.

Today was a really hot, sunnt and nice day. I also graduated yesterday (not a big deal). There's some limit in people's interests to read this blog. So, I will make a new blog from Graduation. I always think your best.

'til next time (which will be after 20 mins..)


maanantai 16. toukokuuta 2011

Yksi kuukausi aikaa, Leijonat teki taikaa

Suomen Leijonat, perkele! Vuodesta 95 asti ollaan ooteltu joko se kulta MM-kiekosta eksyis suomalaasten palkintokaapin kapasiteettii.. ja sieltähän se tuli! Ruottalaiset homopetterit löytiin murskalukemin 4-1. Tästä ei jää mitään selityksen varaa Jörgenille ja kumppaneille, joten ei muuta ku saippuoilla hopeemitaleita kiillottelee. Tämän kunniaksi tuli sen verran isänmaallinen fiilinki, että loppuvuoden blogit tulloo ulos uunista suomeksi! Tää suottaa jakaa mielipiteitä, mutta päätös on yhtä varma ku Jellonien tittelikikkeli maailman parhaana kiekkomaana, ja kultakullimitallit kaulassa. Kommentoikaa ihmeessä oma mielipiteenne kielimuutoksesta (ja MM-voitosta jos välttämättä haluutte). Totta kai mä kaipaan harjotusta suomen kirjottamisessakin. Ei sitä muuten kehtaa lukioo Suomes jatkaa.

Aloitetaan ny tuoreimmasta, kun sen hajukin on vahvin. Elikkäs MM-kiekkofinaali. Mä ite näin finaalista huimat 0,00 sekuntia. Ensinnäkin jenkki-TV ei näyttänyt vilaustakaan kyseisestä pelistä, vaikka meillä on kaikki Direct TV kaapeli sotkut yms. Meidän netti jäätyminen yhtä pahasti kuin Svenssonien maalivahti, oli toinen syy. Ja syy siihen istuu tässä tietokoneen ääressä. Note for yourself: ”Älä kato kiekkopelejä netistä, jätä Facebookkia auki yötä päivää ja lataile (laillisesti totta kai) elokuvia..” Valitettavasti huomasin kyseisen muistilapun meidän jääkaapin ovessa vasta tapahtuman jälkeen. Kyllä täytyy myöntää et kun kerranki ku voitto tulloo, niin Sami-poeka istuu ja seuraa peliä tekstiviestien voimin (kiitos Sonja!). Mutta elämä jatkuu sano mummo lumes, vai miten se meni. Voitto tuli ja se on tärkeintä. Täytyy vielä se todeta että jenkit ei seuraa/seurannut kiekkokisoja pätkääkää, siks ne varmaa tippuki niin aikasin leikistä. NHL eli kansainvälistä ja maailman suurinta kiekkoliigaakaa ei seurata lähellekään yhtä suurella intohimolla kuin minua, tarkoitan jenkkifudista, baseballia ja basketballia.

Olin tässä juuri vähä yli viikon yksin kotona host-isäni kaa. Veli opiskelee (hikke) ja käy viä töissä (työnarkomaani) haha. Host-äitini lähti frendinsä kanssa hevosleirille. Joten olin host-isän kaa vähä yli viikon. Se meni tosi hyvin. Oli kyllä aika jännä leikkiä perheen äitiä noin viikon ajan; tyhjentää kissankakkalaatikko, ruokkia koirat, ulkokissat, sisäkissat ja host-isä. Täytyy vielä mainita, että itsekin ruokaa söin. Älkää kuitenkaa luulko, että joka päivä kokkasin. Kerran tein kinkkukiusausta… sen jälkeen kiusaukseni tuli kaverit nimeltä Subway ja valmisruuat.

Tämän viikon voin aloittaa hymyillen yhtä leveästi kuin Johanna Tukiaisen takamus. Syy tähän on että juoksut on juostu. Track eli yleisurheilu on ohitse! Oon niin onnellinen ettei tarvitse enää puhkua eikä puhaltaa, tai juosta ympyrää pää kolmantena jalkana. Kaikki sateisen täyteiset Track Meetit, 5 tunnin odotukset että pääsen heittää pari kierrosta ympyrää ympäri. Neuvona tuleville vaihtareille: miettikää kahteen kertaan valitsetteko juosta Track-urheilua vai taloonne alasti ympäri. Itse valitsisin nykyään jälkimmäisen..

Mutta nyt ei juosta muuta kun pesänvälejä! Se on nimittäin huomisesta lähtien Baseball season! Jos joku ei vielä tiennyt (ei varmaan kukaan tienny) niin oon pelannu (osaamisesta en tiedä, mutta penkit oon aina lämmittäny nuoruuden tarmolla) 10 vuotta suomalaista pesäpalloa. Baseball ja pesis on ku riitelevät kaksoset. Niissä on paljon samaa, mutta myös erilaisuuksia. En niitä ala ny tässä selvittelee. Wikipedia on kaverinne siinä asiassa, ja minä muissa. Joten, saa nähä miten äijän käy huomenna ekoissa harjoituksissa. Tuleeko pallosta päähän vai päästä palloon. Oon aikas varma, että tulee oleen mun lempiurheilu.

1 kuukausi. Yksi hikinen kuukausi on jäljellä. Kauhistuttaa ajatella miten vähän aikaa… En halua edes ajatella, mitä tuntuu jättää kaverit ja erityisesti perhe tänne. Joten en puhu siitä olleskaan. Täytyy kuitenkin myöntää, että samaan aikaan tajuaa, että kohta näkee rakkaat immeiset siellä Suomessa. Että kyllä tässä igävvä tietyllä tapaa noushee ku päevät vähenee. Mutta nautin täysin rinnoin (en mä silikoneja..) viimesestä kuukaudesta ja se tulee oleen ihan liian nopee. Tiän sen jo nyt.

Tänään. Mä pistin tuulemaan. Testauspakkasin mun laukun ja kaikki, mikä jäi yli painorajan (3 täyttä laatikkoa vaatteita…) pistin bokseihin ja lähettelen ensi viikolla, että ne kerkiää tulee suhteellisen samoihin aikoihin itteni kanssa, eikä tarvitse ressailla viimesinä päivinä miten päin mä ne hameet pakkailen.
Seuraavassa blogimerkinnässä aionpi kertoa asioista, mitä tiedän että tulen kaipaamaan. Tän lisäksi voin paljastaa (en itseäni) miten baseball lähti käyntii, vai leikkasko kii heti kättelyssä.

sisuisin loppuhuiskutuksin
Mikael Granlund

ps. enää 1 viikko koulua! ☺

tiistai 26. huhtikuuta 2011

Easter on the West side of the world

I keep it short because I had a really short Easter holiday here (off from school an hour earlier). And you guys in Finland had like 5 days long holiday.. Here's a photo of a dissapointed Finnish man with his brother. Ofc I had a great Easter with a family (and chocolote..) ! :--)

maanantai 18. huhtikuuta 2011

Springville High School PROM and POST PROM

Finally it happened. This Saturday. Prom.

Prom doesn't mean a sound of a car or anything. It means the biggest dance during a school year. There's usually photographing of couples, Prom dance and Post Prom afterwards. Only seniors and juniors (two oldest class degrees) are able to come to this dance with their partners. The Prom dance is kinda awesome disco party, where is few slow dances, and the Post Prom is hanging out and having fun together after the dance.

I went to our Prom with Erle, an exchange-student from a different school. I knew her from our exchange-student organization's meetings. I think you can figure out that she is in the pictures which I put to this blog. (::

My Prom experience started with a thingy called Grand March. We, all the couples, walked to our jim, one at the time, and people took looots of pics. I'm sure they got good ones.. at least of me. :--) Because I had a cool suit, which I had to rent btw (around 100 bucks).

Me and Erle (theme was New York)

Me and my bro Kyle

With my mom

Almost all the boys

Me and two of my very best friends: Nathaniel and Brandon.

When the March was over, it was time to do my favorite thing: eating! We went to one of my friend's house to have supper. There was like 20-30 people plus me and Erle. We all had fun and food was delicious. It was time for Pool playing with full bellies.

Our next step was going to the DANCE. As I said, it was disco. Lots of good music, people and great dance moves by Sami! Who wouldn't like dancing? ;)

The dance was over 12PM. Busses took as to the Post Prom 1230PM. PP was in a YMCA house-center-what-ever-u-wanna-call-it-building. There was swimming pools, hot tubs, bouncy houses, a basketball court and lots of good food (again.. come to US and u won't get hungry for sure haha) At first I ate with others. There was Buffalo Wild Wings stuff! Those most awesome chicken wings ever made + all kinda junk, and I mean really good junk.. chocolate, strawberries, candy, tacos, you name it!
Next I found myself from that swimming pool, which water wasn't warm enough.. After swimming a while I went to the hot tub with other hot people. But I'm pretty sure water cooled down a little bit when I stepped there.. ;--/
All night long I had fun with all the amazing people, and especially with my best friends. It's really nice to realize right now who are the people that are my real friends and who I'm gonna miss the most.. Less than 2 months.. oh boy. =( Playing and jumping in the bouncy houses made me feel I was that tiny little child again. Sometimes I really miss that time, when my only problem was how much your Action Man was able to do without breaking a part.
All of us got to choose a bag full of FREE stuff. I chose one with a Iowa Hawkeye- blanket, candy and lots of gift cards. I was lucky one and got to choose a second bag too. I ended up with 10 free haircut cupongs. Ofc I need to cut my hair 5 times a month. If you wanna a haircut, take a next plane and get ur ass here! (: Then we can start to discuss of possible price.
We had fun 'til 530AM. The busses were full of zombies, but happy ones. I was home 6AM and went to sleep with a big smile on my face. Definitely one of the most unforgetable and best moments that I have experienced here. (Tasting a bagel is def number one..) Just kidding! It's taste of air.

For conclusion I can say that in the whole Prom thing, there was about 60 people, and I had one of the funniest nights in my life! (: Funniest one is when I tasted air for a first time.

'til next thingy

Sami Prom_illihuuru

sunnuntai 3. huhtikuuta 2011

Running + target shooting = this weekend

What a great weekend! It didn't started too well though.. We had an Early Out at our school on Friday, which means that we get home 2 hours earlier than usual. It would be fun, but.. we had to leave to a Track Meet afterwards. We got there and oh... my... gosh; the weather was horrible: raining, windy and freezing (kinda like Finnish summer.. jk!) I had to wait 5 frkn long hours there before my 800 meters run, trying to keep myself warm. Even looking those boys and girls running with their tiny shorts and spandex, made me freeze. Finally came my moment to strip off all my clothes.. well.. I left our Track uniform that nobody would get a heart-attack.

Everything changed when I started running. I forgot that is cold and I looked like a fool with our too small uniform.
As I said I ran 800 meters. Our coach had a same opinion that I would be better in 800 than in 1 mile. So thank God, I'm practising and competing only a half of the distance I used to. :--)) Back to that running race.. I started to run hard but didn't try to keep up with fastest guys, who should btw go to the Olympics and go away from Track meets.. Then second lap I started to improve my position, and with a last 100 meter sprint, I ended up being 9th! There was almost like 20 guys in our heat, so I'm pretty proud of myself! And or more.. I improved my time from last week by 13 seconds! Alright, that's enough.. maybe I should go to those Olympics too or at least go to some hidden place and be quiet haha. This all made my day on Friday. :)

Saturday was my host dad's birthday. He asked me to go to do gun target shooting with him, and I though "Why not?" At first I thought it would be loud guns, which break ur ears and break ur bones by doing a kick while shooting. But It was real fun! I'm really fun and I had a blast with him for sure. I got some bull's eyes too and got our whole target thing fall.. just saying! After that I went to the town with my Mom and picked up a suit for our Prom. Idk if I have said but I'm going to the Prom with an exchange student from Estonia called Erle. :) Our own school is so tiny as I've said and Erle is a really cool girl (to make sure u didn't think Erle is a boy..) ! I hanged out with her in the Mal after I chose the suit and we had so much fun. (: In the evening we celebrated my host dad's birthday by eating stake, cake n givinh him presents. I bought chocolate. Here's some pics from our shooting trip. No worries, there's target, not human beings outside the pictures.

Today, Sunday, was just chilling and trying to make my Mom's (in Finland) special "curry chiken and rice" meal. I got the curry taste down, but other than that it wasn't anything compared to my Mom's haha. Now I'm ready for next week.. buuuusy week. Two Track Meets n a choir festival.

'til next time


sunnuntai 27. maaliskuuta 2011

Running like a horse, my lungs and heart sore

Run, faster, stronger and higher. That has been pretty much my life after Miami; track practices and one Meet (=yleisurheilukisat). So, I chose long distance. I'm just slower than other guys in sprinting for sure. Others have run over the finish while I start to set my starting blocks.

This week, we had SPRING BREAK, from Wednesday to Friday. It was again time to just be, doing nothing. Things I did are not even worth of telling. Boring Xbox, movies and guitar stuff you know. Fell asleep already there..? Hopefully not.

Track practices have been nice, just as nice as running circles can be.. We (me and one other guy) distance guys run 1600 meters, rest, 3200 meters, rest, 1600 meters. Then we have usually time to do some weight lifting. This is usuallu schedule for every week from Monday to Wednesday. On Thursdays we do all the events which we will have in a Meet, which is usually on Friday. In practices I started to feel pretty good about my stamina and running. Running is so relaxing, I think. Even though relaxing on couch is not bad either, with some beer.. But I have to stop dreaming! I'm athletic.. My feelings about that everything's fine kinda crushed. Let me tell about that.

It was a beautiful Friday afternoon. Our team left to the Track Meet by our school bus. Thank God it was indoor meet.. It's not that cold here than in Finland. Not snow haha. :)) But still too cold in Sami's opinion to run outside. We did our warm-up with our team and were ready to start. Our coach, who is a really nice guy and talented coach (he's a cop..), decided that I'll run 1 mile and 800 meters after that. I was SO nervous before a man did the starting shot. I've been running for fun in my free time for a long time (not during the winter when I was sitting on a bench in basketball). But I realized that running and competing with others and running one circle is a WAY different thing. At start I made the most stupid mistake.. I started way too fast, and tried to keep up with fastest guys. By doing that I wasted all, my lungs and heart... and started jogging. I tried to catch other guys but that was just a dream. I ended up by being the last one in my heat (=juoksuerä) and didn't feel my lungs or heart at all. Don't laugh guys.. that was a TERRIBLE feeling. I had few hours to recover from that before my next race: 800 meters. Breathing still hurt when I started to run.. I run the whole race with one guy called Kyle (same name as my bro has), and it was kinda funny when they said: "Go Kyle, catch him!" In the end he didn't catch me 'cause I did a HUGE sprint with Finnish sisu the last 150 meters. So, I wasn't last one in that race. You guys should be proud of me. :--)) I still think I would've done better in 800 meters without running that 1 mile first.

To be honest.. I don't wanna go on like this. I have decided that I ask my coach that "Could I change my distances from 1 mile and 800 meters to 800 and 400 meters. I really hope that would be possible. I don't wanna suffer anymore in meets in future.. And we have like 16 of them coming.. Meets are not so nice because you have to compete with blood in ur mouth.. just not my thing, and they usually take 5 hours.. because there's so many events and both men's and women's. After tomorrow I'll know am I able to switch my distances to more comfy ones. Let's hope the best.

Sorry.. this was kinda "complaining whole the time"-blog. I'll promise I will dry u tears and make ur sad faces (because of my sad blog) to smiles in my next blog. I totally promise I'll write more often in future that I've been doing before. Maybe just that promise makes u smile (or "I wouldn't care less").

'til next time

Sami, the runner

torstai 17. maaliskuuta 2011


It's kinda funny that my blog seems to have turned to a traveling blog. Hawaii last time and now Miami. I'm so sorry guys there hasn't been anything between those two blogs. There hasn't happened anything special to write... except.. TRACK (yleisurheilu in Finnish). We have had practices now two weeks, and I have enjoyed so far. I'm doing the long distances 1 mile (1600 meters) and 2 miles (3000 meters). I'm not so fast in sprint and I ran the whole las summer, so I got a pretty good stamina. Our practices are always different. At the start everybody did 2 mile-run, sit-ups etc, and then technic practice. Right now everybody are doing their own thing depending on what you are doing for track. So, I'm running, running and running in practices and I like it.

Oh man, I know you don't give a s*it about track. Everybody started to read this because you saw the word "Miami". So here you go guys!

So we stayed one week in Miami with Leo's (the French exchange-student in my host family two years ago) family. They have lived almost one year now in Miami. Lucky.. Their house was really cool with a swimming pool and I felt I was like in a hotel or something. The only thing which took that imagination away was that I didn't have to use my credit card to sleep. In their family, there's Leo, his mom, bro and dad. One of his friends from France, Max, was also visiting him. I got along great with everybody, expect Kyle (just kidding).

We arrived to Miami in Sunday evening. Leo and his mom took us.. with a hummer btw.. to their house. We chilled and talked a while and then we ate supper. We were all so tired because of traveling and went straight to bed. So, nothing excited happened yet. But something "little" is coming so don't stop reading for God's sake.

On Monday we slept long. I went to a run and then chilled on the pool with my mom and Kyle. We took so much sun that we looked like Spanish people after few hours, or almost.. After that we went to a smaller town, just next to Miami and walked around. Here's the photo of that.

At the same night, Monday night. We went to MIAMI HEAT NBA BASKETBALL GAME. It was so awesome experience, even though Miami lost (if I had been on their bench they have won. We saw Lebron James, the best player right now in NBA. I don't have any words to describe the game. So here are photos fellows.

Tuesday. That's what I called a holiday! We went to a beach and just enjoyed our time there (5 hours) and we were ready to look like North African people. Swimming on the ocean was great! Even though my brother (like in that photo) came swimming too and started to fight with me. I love it even with bruises. It's so lovely to have a brother to fight with because I don't have any real one in Finland. After the beach it was time for beaches.. or not. We went to Miami beach and streets next to it, and had supper there with all the people (Leo's family and us). Miami beach and Miami was dark (because it was night) but the night life with gay bars and stuff.. oh my gosh! Super.

After Tuesday comes Wednesday. We spent the whole day in a ZOO in Miami. It was really interesting in my opinion. :)) I think I should have left my brother there with other monkeys. It was the only crappy-weather day, so it was good to spend with camels and my other friends. Here are some photographs from the Zoo.

On Thursday was finally time to bitches, I mean to Miami Beach! Here's the photo from there. We checked out the beach and went shopping. I really enjoyed to see Miami in a daylight. If you don't believe it's one of the coolest photos, check these photos out!

Alligators + Friday = Alligator Friday. We went to a Alligator place. The tiny river and a boat trip among it and we saw few wild alligators. And as you can see they didn't eat me even though Finnish meat is delicious.

On Saturday, we went to a trip by our rental car to Miami Keys and Key West. Those are all famoues places and I don't anymore wonder why! It was really beautiful. While we stopped (stayed 49898 hours) my mom and brother took new tattoos. It was cool to watch when they made those. I, myself, didn't take any. Even though, I seriously though about taking one: Finnish lion and American eagle together with initials of all my family members here and in Finland. But I p*ssy and didn't want to do that in the end. It's so life time lasting thing that you don't make those kind of decisions in one week or so.

Sunday. We left back to cold Iowa and our vacation was over. That was my "own vacation" from school and missed one week at school, oh yeah! Right now I'm feeling greater than after a long time. I love track and everything's just so nice. I have, for change, great plans for this weekend. :) Night Storm-dance party and hanging out with friends.

'til next time


maanantai 14. helmikuuta 2011

HAWAI'I - the paradise of paradises

I love to see ur guys' heads turning green because of jealous! Yes, I was there and for one week.. ;--) Now it's time to make ur heads deep green by telling about my trip and bitches... I mean.. beaches. :)

Saturday. After a long, only 12 hours flying I arrived to Hawaii. My first expressions were: "Where the fuck is the snow?", "I totally don't need any sauna here!". It was so hot that I felt more comfy to wait others for two hours inside the airport. (I had to...) It was such a moment of joy when I saw our hotel; right next to beach!! (: Here's a photo from our balcony.

We just hanged out the evening and waited that more and more people came, and ended up with only 90 exchange-students who were from Germany, Germany, Germany, Germany and lots of different countries! About 7 Finnish though, GO FINLAND perkele! After almost everybody had came (somebody missed their flights) we went to have a supper, buffee, in one hotel next door. I fed my stomach and talked that whole evening with one Danish girl who was as small school as I am! So, there's also other lucky ones.. ;) After that I went to my room, two little beds, and I thought I'll have a room alone. But suddenly my eyes saw shoes which wasn't mine, and thought I gosh, now I got some asshole room mate. NO WAY! He was a German (what a suprise) boy called Yanic and he was really nice guy and we ended up during the trip to become really good friends! ((:

Sunday. Waking up and heading to breakfast (free) which was awesome; three different options: beacon n eggs or french toasts of fruit bowl of pancakes. I tried and loved all of them. Food is good for you, you know. After breakfast we notices that one guy, Malte (German, do I need even tell u that without u guys knowing that already?) and we had to sleep all the rest of the nights, 3 guys on 2 beds together, together. Nothing gay.. We didn't want to pay lots of money of an extra bed n the floor was too hard. After breakfast we started hiking to a high view place called Diamond Head. The hiking sucked a little bit but it was worth it though! As you can see of these photos. :-)

Then it was time for having some free time. I hanged out with Yanic on the beach, and afterwards we all 90 starving students went to a supper some pizza place ! (--: I kinda eat typical American junk food; burgers n pizzas every day for lunch, come on.. we were in Hawaii! :)

Monday. Too bad... it was cloudy morning, cloudy afternoon, evening and middle of the night frkn sunny. So no burned skin during that day for sure! We rode by busses a little city tour and after that it started to rain, we went to a little village and did some shopping.
We alsorode by busses to a pineapple farm and ate lots of pineapple ice cream which was really good and fresh. (: More fresh than burgers... When we were done (wet) on our wau to the hotel we stopped in a beach which has 20 feet high waves and it's a famous surfing place. I'm really good with names as u can see. :-----) In the evening we went to the Polynesian Culture Center which had people from different cultures of Paficic Ocean to show their culture things. It was really funny and interesting even though everybody almost fell asleep during the last show which lasted really late. The best and funniest part was a man doing coconut milk from a coconut and acting like he would have masturbated. :--D We ate supper there. Coconuts and pineapples for sure !



Tuesday. Because everybody was so dissapointed 'cause of Monday's crappy weather; Tuesday was a really hot and sunny day! We went to do kajak rowing to the different little islands. Got some suntan and it was really cool! (--: I rowed with one girl who was from "you-know-which-country". There's a pic below this. In the evening it was time for HARD ROCK CAFE. Again, burgers, yam. :p During "I Gotta Feeling" we all got wild. Here's a photo to proof that.

Hard Rock Cafe table, Before... we got wild:

Wednesday. It was partly sunny day. We did catamaran (going by boat in the ocean and jumping to the sea with turtles n taking both sun and photos!) and surfing! :) Surfing wasn't so hard that I thought it would be.. maybe the reason was 8080808084545 cm wide boards. I stood up once, other times I kinda forgot everything which the men said on the beach and just wanted to stand up with wrong movements. In general it was a great day. After those we went to the Mal and I bought Vans shoes for 10 bucks. Ridiculous.. And then we ate in Bubba Gump Shrimp Co which had so small portions that my baby boy (I don't have any) wouldn't be full after that. Again, some pics: ((((: !

Thursday. We spent an interesting day at Pearl Harbor and in Missouri ship. The museum was really interesting and made me sad. I also noticed how proud some Americans are of their country: "That bomb can fly that fast, destroy that much etc.." We did some volunteer cleaning up in Missouri but I didn't see any difference after that. Our prize was a free guided tour in that ship. Sweet day though, for supper the worst buffee ever which ran out of food. But it was all good though. :)

Friday. Oh my gosh. The last full day in Hawaii. Time flies.. After another amazing breakfast we went to do snorkling! It was top 5 place in the whole wide world. Some guys saw turtles, I only gold (cold) fish. It was amazing anyways! :--) And I survived! After snorking it was time for a very last Hawaii's party. There were music performances, dance shows and really good traditional supper. It was sad to go to the bed that evening.

Snorkling place (top 5..)

Saturday. Some of the guys left as early as in the morning. I myself, and Yanic, and some other kids left in the evening, and we had taht whole day to enjoy the sun and hanging out at the pool and buying souvenirs. Here's a photo of that day. Me and Yanic. :---)

In gerenal, it was an awesome trip with awesome people! ((((: Totally a paradise.. I have to wait 3 long weeks and I'm going to Miami guys! ;))

'til next time

Hawaii's citizen Sambola