maanantai 24. tammikuuta 2011

The New Semester

I bet there's no effect, if I say "I'm sorry this took so long", 'cause I have been doing that since I got here. To understand this thing u just have to become exchange-students.

After the blog before this, there hasn't been anything to tell, just normal life you know; basketball and school control my life right now. But there's always something. Something = the exchange-student Mid Year Orientation/overnight "party" in a house of our area rep, and a new Semester at school.

I'm gonna start with more exciting one. Suprising but true it's not the school one. In Mid Orientation we talk about things like "How to deal with possible problems/sadness?", "How are we feeling?", "What should we do during the time that we have left?" My answer is "I don't have any negative things in my life right now because I'm happy and gonna continue that way in future also!"

After the orientation part came the fun part. We went to our area rep's house. I hanged out with all the other exchange students from China, Japan, Estonia, Korean and of course from Germany, like 60% of all exchange-students are from Germany for sure. Maybe that's because they wanna go to a country that has higher drinking age. Who knows... (: I had a really great night, talking about our years so far and other stuff. I bet I made some new friends there. But there is always that saying "A*shole knows everybody, but nobody knows a*shole." But u can't even use "a*shole" and "exchange-student" in a same sentence. When we had hanged out few hours, then it was time to have SUPPER, eating (what else would u do in USA??) Lasagne... Suddenly the room was full of Garfield-cats from different countries. Hanging out continued after everybody changed back to human again (from Garfields). It was a really really evening. (--: One of the funniest part was speaking Estonia and Finnish with Erle (a girl from Estonia) and everybodu though it was the same language. :---D I slept in living-room with 7 girls.. that sounds like a fantastic dream, but I can tell that I was sleeping next to a door, and it was so freezing that my spit would have freezed in one second. But it went good 'cause I slept and didn't complain about the cold. :--) (I didn't even think about to ask some girl to... read me a story of course!) In a following morning we had an American breakfast; serials, junky bread, fruits and brownies. Then next address was home sweet home. :)) Here's the photo of us all in orientation.

Semester. It changed. It meant for me that only 2 of my courses changed. Sociology to Government and Grafting to Speech. I really like these changes. I love speech so far. And my next blog will be my first speech, topic: "Being an exchange-student" I know u can't wait.

This is my new schedule:
1. Study Hall 2. Government 3. Physics 4. Choir 5. Pre Calc (math) 6. US History 7. Speech 8. English 11

As the semester changed we got another exchange-student to our school! (I'm not the only foreinger in the building anymore) She's name is Annelie and she's really nice. I asked her to go to Winter Formal with me. Winter Formal is one of our lovely school dances (like Finnish disco kinda). I had a great time there though.

I have started to do weightlifting 4 times per week. The only bad thing about that is that I have to get my ass up 5-6 AM almost every morning. But I think I will survive, and if I don't; please bring blue flowers to my grave.

'til next time


ps. I got the going back home date... 16.06.2011.. much earlier than I thought! :(

2 kommenttia:

  1. I think speech is similar than my public speaking. It was so fun class. I'm little bit sad I don't have it anymore in second semester. But hopefully creative writing is nice too!

    Where is Annelie from?

    Btw, I was reading your blog and I started to wonder why do you spell chocolate chocklad (or something like that)?

    Enjoy your second half of the year!

  2. It has been so fun so far! My favorite class! (:

    She's from Germany. (as like 70% of exchange students)

    Chocolate is the right way, I have failed :-D

    U too! (:
